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Submit ReviewTrevaline Evans was a 52 year old from Langollen, Wales, United Kingdom. She was a mother, grandmother, and wife who ran an antiques business. On June 16, 1990, at about 12:40pm, Trevaline put a sign in her store window saying she would right back. But even two hours later Trevaline had still not returned. She was never seen again.
Lost N Found Blogs:
Map analysis:
If you have any information concerning the disappearance of Trevaline Evans, please contact North Wales Police at 01978 290222.
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Once a year, for just one episode, Ed hands over the entire agenda to all of you. Instead of him determining what the topic will be--most of the time a disappearance, you get to do so by sending Ed your questions concerning just about anything anything under the sun. And he answers them.
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--Unfound plays on Spotify, iTunes, Stitcher, Instagram, Twitter, Podbean, Deezer, Google Play and many other podcast platforms.
--on Monday nights at 9pm ET, please join us on the Unfound Podcast Channel for the Unfound Live Show. All of you can talk with me and I can answer your questions.
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Athol Turner was a 60 year old from Nelson, New Zealand . . . yes, New Zealand. He had several siblings and was a father. On the evening of July 11, 2017, Athol was exiting a hospital while his sister was entering. She and Athol talked about meeting some time soon. He was never seen again.
Map Analysis:
If you have any information concerning the disappearance of Athol Turner, please contact New Zealand police at (04) 474 9499.
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--Unfound plays on Spotify, iTunes, Stitcher, Instagram, Twitter, Podbean, Deezer, Google Play and many other podcast platforms.
--on Monday nights at 9pm ET, please join us on the Unfound Podcast Channel for the Unfound Live Show. All of you can talk with me and I can answer your questions.
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Jason David Landry was a 21 year old from San Marcos, TX. He was a college student who excelled at music. On the night of Dec. 13, 2020, Jason was on his way to his parent's house when for some reason, he ended up on the wrong road and soon Jason wrecked his car. He was never seen again.
Charley Project:
Map Analysis:
Unfound Now:
If you have any information regarding the disappearance of Jason Landry, please contact the Caldwell County Sheriff's Office at (512) 398-6777.
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--Unfound plays on Spotify, iTunes, Stitcher, Instagram, Twitter, Podbean, Deezer, Google Play and many other podcast platforms.
--on Monday nights at 9pm ET, please join us on the Unfound Podcast Channel for the Unfound Live Show. All of you can talk with me and I can answer your questions.
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Long before podcasting, before Facebook, before Reddit, before the LifeTime Channel became murder mysteries all the time, there has been a website where people interested in crime could go to discuss, analyze, and even argue about the latest news. And it still dominates that arena. What is it? Websleuths. You get to learn all about it today.
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Judith Anne Brown was a 19 year old from New York City, NY. She was a friendly, popular girl who was a psych major. In mid-April 1977, Judy seemingly took off with a man she met while they were in a mental health facility together. She was never seen again. But, he might have been.
If you have any information regarding the disappearances of Judy Brown and Richard Riesenberg, please contact the New York City Police Department - Missing Persons Squad at (212) 694-7781.
--Unfound plays on Spotify, iTunes, Stitcher, Instagram, Twitter, Podbean, Deezer, Google Play and many other podcast platforms.
--on Monday nights at 9pm ET, please join us on the Unfound Podcast Channel for the Unfound Live Show. All of you can talk with me and I can answer your questions.
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Roy Gregory Brooks Jr. was a 21 year old from Casselberry, FL. He disappeared from there on Jan. 18, 2000. A day later, police found Greg's car in the Tampa area--it yielded no clues as to what happened to him. On Feb. 16, 2018, Unfound first covered Greg's disappearance. Today we re-visit this still unsolved case with the original interview but with a revised theme and new commentary.
Charley Project:
If you have any information regarding the disappearance of Greg Brooks, please contact the Casselberry Police Department at (407) 262-7606.
--Unfound plays on Spotify, iTunes, Stitcher, Instagram, Twitter, Podbean, Deezer, Google Play and many other podcast platforms.
--on Monday nights at 9pm ET, please join us on the Unfound Podcast Channel for the Unfound Live Show. All of you can talk with me and I can answer your questions.
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Barbara McCray was an 83 year old from Buchanan, GA. She had a huge family and lived with one of her sons. On the evening of July 31, 2021, Barbara went for a stroll along the road in front of her home. A relative driving by saw Barbara during this time. She was never seen again.
YouTube Map Analysis:
If you have any information regarding the disappearance of Barbara McCray, please call the Polk County Police Department at (770) 748-3400.
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Judith Ann Hyder was a 53 year old from Garland, NC. She was the mother of 2 daughters and a forklift operator. On December 7, 2015, Judith was supposed to meet a friend about moving. She never arrived. She was never seen again.
If you have any information regarding the disappearance of Judith Hyder, please contact the Bladen County Sheriff's Office at (910) 862-6753.
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Beau Michael Mann was a 39 year old from Los Angeles, CA. He was a tech entrepreneur who had lived all over the United States. On November 30, 2021, Beau took multiple Lyft and Uber rides with him finally getting dropped off at an address in Santa Monica. He was never seen again.
Charley Project:
Map Analysis:
News story:
If you have any information concerning the disappearance of Beau Mann, please contact the Los Angeles Police Department- Adult Missing Persons Unit at (877) 275-5273.
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Emily Roberta Richards was a 22 year old from Chicago, Illinois. She worked at a car dealership and was fairly independent for a woman of the 1960's. In early 1964, Emily went missing--the FBI even got involved. She was never seen again. Or . . . was she?
Charley Project:
If you have any information regarding the disappearance of Emily (Jordan) Richards, please contact the Inglewood Police Department at (310) 412-5211.
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Brandon Roberts was a 39 year old from Portland, OR. He was the father of 3 and had worked to help the homeless. On June 7, 2021, Brandon was due to talk to his oldest son on the phone. However, when that time came, someone texted back on Brandon's phone saying Brandon wasn't there. He was never seen again.
As of Feb. 2, 2023, Brandon's disappearance is not on the Charley Project or NAMUS.
If you have any information concerning Brandon Roberts' disappearance, please contact the Portland, OR Police Department at 503-823-4000.
--Unfound plays on Spotify, iTunes, Stitcher, Instagram, Twitter, Podbean, Deezer, Google Play and many other podcast platforms.
--on Monday nights at 9pm ET, please join us on the Unfound Podcast Channel for the Unfound Live Show. All of you can talk with me and I can answer your questions.
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Matthew Wayne Braswell was a 29 year old from Smithville, TN. He was a self-taught mechanic and lived with his girlfriend. On December 17, 2021, Matthew and another man were caught stealing from people's mailboxes. During their attempt to escape, the truck wrecked and Matthew ran off. He was never seen again.
Map Analysis:
If you have any information concerning the disappearance of Matthew Braswell, please contact the DeKalb County Sheriff's Office at (615) 597-4935.
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From very early on in this podcast's existence, I realized that publicizing, researching, and investigating disappearances, although important, were not the total story in solving these cases. In fact, they're not even #1. What is? Education. So, today, listen as I play the very first disappearance class I ever conducted at a university.
I'm Ed Dentzel.
And this is Unfound.
--Unfound plays on Spotify, iTunes, Stitcher, Instagram, Twitter, Podbean, Deezer, Google Play and many other podcast platforms.
--on Monday nights at 9pm ET, please join us on the Unfound Podcast Channel for the Unfound Live Show. All of you can talk with me and I can answer your questions.
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Lesley Allen, 45 years old, and her 3 youngest children with the last name Anderson: Rachel--13, Cameron--12, and Kyle 9, all lived in Fulton, MS with a new man in her life. Around April 11, 2000, Lesley's former inlaws noticed they could not reach her or the children. The new boyfriend said Lesley and the chlidren took off with a truck driver. They were never seen again.
Charley Project:
If you have any information concerning the disappearances of Kyle, Rachel, Cameron, and Lesley, please contact the Indiana State Police at (812) 689-5000.
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Evelyn Louise Piper was a 54 year old from Columbus, GA. She was very generous and had worked in the military. On November 30, 1994, Evelyn, despite being single, told her daughter she was flying to Israel to get married. Days later, Evelyn's car was found at the local airport. She was never seen again.
Charley Project:
If you have any information concerning the disappearance of Evelyn Piper, please contact the Lee County Sheriff's Office at (334) 749-5651.
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Spotify, iTunes, Apple Podcasts, YouTube, Stitcher, Podbean, and many other platforms, especially outside the United States.
Unfound has social media accounts on: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.
Speaking of YouTube, join me on Mondays at 9pm ET on the Unfound Podcast Channel for the Live Show, the only one of its kind in true crime. Ask questions. Chat with other viewers. And give the show a thumbs up.
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3. Contribute during the Live Show with Superchat.
And 4. Join the YouTube Membership program for the low price of $2.99/month.
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Ed gives details on several updates for many of Unfound's missing persons cases. He asks that you also take a moment of silence while he reads the names of everyone featured on Unfound and Unfound Now over the past 6+ years. Thanks.
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Richard Keith Call and Cassandra Lee Hailey were a 20 year old and 18 year old from Gloucester and Grafton, Virginia respectively. They had a college class together. On April 9, 1988, Keith and Sandra were on their first date. Keith and Sandra went to a party in Newport News, then left some time after midnight. Keith's car was found just hours later on the Colonial Parkway. They were never seen again.
Charley Project:
Map analysis:
If you have any information concerning the disappearances of Sandra Hailey and Keith Call, please contact the Federal Bureau of Investigation -Peninsula RA at (757) 873-4995.
Where you can find Unfound:
Spotify, iTunes, Apple Podcasts, YouTube, Stitcher, Podbean, and many other platforms, especially outside the United States.
Unfound has social media accounts on: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.
Speaking of YouTube, join me on Mondays at 9pm ET on the Unfound Podcast Channel for the Live Show, the only one of its kind in true crime. Ask questions. Chat with other viewers. And give the show a thumbs up.
You can contribute to Unfound in the following ways:
3. Contribute during the Live Show with Superchat.
And 4. Join the YouTube Membership program for the low price of $2.99/month.
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Richard Keith Call and Cassandra Lee Hailey were a 20 year old and 18 year old from Gloucester and Grafton, Virginia respectively. They had a college class together. On April 9, 1988, Keith and Sandra were on their first date. Keith and Sandra went to a party in Newport News, then left some time after midnight. Keith's car was found just hours later on the Colonial Parkway. They were never seen again.
Charley Project:
Map analysis:
If you have any information concerning the disappearances of Sandra Hailey and Keith Call, please contact the Federal Bureau of Investigation -Peninsula RA at (757) 873-4995.
Where you can find Unfound:
Spotify, iTunes, Apple Podcasts, YouTube, Stitcher, Podbean, and many other platforms, especially outside the United States.
Unfound has social media accounts on: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.
Speaking of YouTube, join me on Mondays at 9pm ET on the Unfound Podcast Channel for the Live Show, the only one of its kind in true crime. Ask questions. Chat with other viewers. And give the show a thumbs up.
You can contribute to Unfound in the following ways:
3. Contribute during the Live Show with Superchat.
And 4. Join the YouTube Membership program for the low price of $2.99/month.
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Richard Keith Call and Cassandra Lee Hailey were a 20 year old and 18 year old from Gloucester and Grafton, Virginia respectively. They had a college class together. On April 9, 1988, Keith and Sandra were on their first date. Keith and Sandra went to a party in Newport News, then left some time after midnight. Keith's car was found just hours later on the Colonial Parkway. They were never seen again.
Charley Project:
Map analysis:
If you have any information concerning the disappearances of Sandra Hailey and Keith Call, please contact the Federal Bureau of Investigation -Peninsula RA at (757) 873-4995.
Where you can find Unfound:
Spotify, iTunes, Apple Podcasts, YouTube, Stitcher, Podbean, and many other platforms, especially outside the United States.
Unfound has social media accounts on: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.
Speaking of YouTube, join me on Mondays at 9pm ET on the Unfound Podcast Channel for the Live Show, the only one of its kind in true crime. Ask questions. Chat with other viewers. And give the show a thumbs up.
You can contribute to Unfound in the following ways:
3. Contribute during the Live Show with Superchat.
And 4. Join the YouTube Membership program for the low price of $2.99/month.
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And, please mention Unfound at all true crime websites and forums. Thank you.
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Dr. Grace Telesco came into our little part of the podcast world back in 2020, right at the beginning of the pandemic. Since then, I have appeared on her YouTube show many times talking about disappearances, the Steve Pankey trial, and other topics. And the good Doctor has even allowed me to speak to her classes a couple times. Well, today you get to hear from her, as Grace talks about her life, her career, and her faith.
YouTube Channel:
Where you can find Unfound:
Spotify, iTunes, Apple Podcasts, YouTube, Stitcher, Podbean, and many other platforms, especially outside the United States.
Unfound has social media accounts on: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.
Speaking of YouTube, join me on Mondays at 9pm ET on the Unfound Podcast Channel for the Live Show, the only one of its kind in true crime. Ask questions. Chat with other viewers. And give the show a thumbs up.
You can contribute to Unfound in the following ways:
3. Contribute during the Live Show with Superchat.
And 4. Join the YouTube Membership program for the low price of $2.99/month.
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Brandon Richart was a 41 year old from Anoka, MN. He was the father of 4 and loved to help others. On Nov. 5, 2021, in Anoka, Brandon met with a young man who had hit Brandon with his car a few days before. At this meeting, Brandon was to receive at least $1000 cash for his injuries. He was never seen again.
Unfound website:
If you have any information concerning the disappearance of Brandon Richart please contact the Anoka Police Department at (763) 576-2800.
Where you can find Unfound:
Spotify, iTunes, Apple Podcasts, YouTube, Stitcher, Podbean, and many other platforms, especially outside the United States.
Unfound has social media accounts on: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.
Speaking of YouTube, join me on Mondays at 9pm ET on the Unfound Podcast Channel for the Live Show, the only one of its kind in true crime. Ask questions. Chat with other viewers. And give the show a thumbs up.
You can contribute to Unfound in the following ways:
3. Contribute during the Live Show with Superchat.
And 4. Join the YouTube Membership program for the low price of $2.99/month.
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Jace Martin was a 31 year old from Destrehan, Louisiana. He was a father who had been a child model. On Feb. 11, 2020, Jace had an argument with his girlfriend concerning something she found on his phone. Jace left their home after she told him to leave. He was never seen again.
Charley Project:
Map Analysis:
If you have any information regarding the disappearance of Jace Martin, please contact the Saint Charles Parish Sheriff's Office at (985) 331-1559.
Where you can find Unfound:
Spotify, iTunes, Apple Podcasts, YouTube, Stitcher, Podbean, and many other platforms, especially outside the United States.
Unfound has social media accounts on: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.
Speaking of YouTube, join me on Mondays at 9pm ET on the Unfound Podcast Channel for the Live Show, the only one of its kind in true crime. Ask questions. Chat with other viewers. And give the show a thumbs up.
You can contribute to Unfound in the following ways:
3. Contribute during the Live Show with Superchat.
And 4. Join the YouTube Membership program for the low price of $2.99/month.
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And, please mention Unfound at all true crime websites and forums. Thank you.
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James Lubin Valdez, Jamie to those who knew him best, was a 47 year old from Booneville, AR. He was a father who had recently gotten married. On June 9, 2021, Jamie got into an argument with his wife. This continued when he showed up at her work. Jamie then went home, threw some clothes into his car, and took off. Jamie's car was later found near where he grew up. He was never seen again.
Charley Project:
Map analysis:
If you have any information regarding the disappearance of Jamie Valdez, please contact the Booneville Police Department at (479) 675-3508.
Where you can find Unfound:
Spotify, iTunes, Apple Podcasts, YouTube, Stitcher, Podbean, and many other platforms, especially outside the United States.
Unfound has social media accounts on: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.
Speaking of YouTube, join me on Mondays at 9pm ET on the Unfound Podcast Channel for the Live Show, the only one of its kind in true crime. Ask questions. Chat with other viewers. And give the show a thumbs up.
You can contribute to Unfound in the following ways:
3. Contribute during the Live Show with Superchat.
And 4. Join the YouTube Membership program for the low price of $2.99/month.
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On Oct. 14, 2019, E conducted an interview with Steve Pankey. a suspect in the murder of 12 year old Jonelle Matthews in December 1984. Today, due to Steve being convicted on Oct. 31, 2022, Ed ends this era of Unfound by reflecting on the past 3 years.
Original episode:
Information on Unfound website:
Where you can find Unfound:
Spotify, iTunes, Apple Podcasts, YouTube, Stitcher, Podbean, and many other platforms, especially outside the United States.
Unfound has social media accounts on: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.
Speaking of YouTube, join me on Mondays at 9pm ET on the Unfound Podcast Channel for the Live Show, the only one of its kind in true crime. Ask questions. Chat with other viewers. And give the show a thumbs up.
You can contribute to Unfound in the following ways:
3. Contribute during the Live Show with Superchat.
And 4. Join the YouTube Membership program for the low price of $2.99/month.
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Mary Alice Cox was a 54 year old from Clarksville, TN. She had 1 daughter and was a long time McDonald's employee. On March 20, 2004, Mary told her daughter over the phone that she would be walking to a local store to get cigarettes. Mary never returned. She was never seen again.
Charley Project:
Connie's website:
Map Analysis:
If you have any information concerning the disappearance of Mary Cox, please contact the Clarksville Police Department at (931) 648-0656.
Where you can find Unfound:
Spotify, iTunes, Apple Podcasts, YouTube, Stitcher, Podbean, and many other platforms, especially outside the United States.
Unfound has social media accounts on: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.
Speaking of YouTube, join me on Mondays at 9pm ET on the Unfound Podcast Channel for the Live Show, the only one of its kind in true crime. Ask questions. Chat with other viewers. And give the show a thumbs up.
You can contribute to Unfound in the following ways:
3. Contribute during the Live Show with Superchat.
And 4. Join the YouTube Membership program for the low price of $2.99/month.
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And, please mention Unfound at all true crime websites and forums. Thank you.
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Marc James Warren Allen II was a 13 year old from Des Moines, IA. He was in the Boy Scouts and delivered newspapers. On the evening of March 29, 1986, the day before Easter, Marc said he was going to a friend's a few blocks away although Marc never said who the friend was. He was never seen again.
If you have any information regarding the disappearance of Marc Allen, please contact the Des Moines Police Department at (515) 237-1430.
Where you can find Unfound:
Spotify, iTunes, Apple Podcasts, YouTube, Stitcher, Podbean, and many other platforms, especially outside the United States.
Unfound has social media accounts on: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.
Speaking of YouTube, join me on Mondays at 9pm ET on the Unfound Podcast Channel for the Live Show, the only one of its kind in true crime. Ask questions. Chat with other viewers. And give the show a thumbs up.
You can contribute to Unfound in the following ways:
3. Contribute during the Live Show with Superchat.
And 4. Join the YouTube Membership program for the low price of $2.99/month.
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And, please mention Unfound at all true crime websites and forums. Thank you.
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Angela Lee Freeman was a 17 year old from Petal, Mississippi. She was 4 months pregnant and loved to work. On the night of Sept. 9, 1993, Angela went to see an ex-boyfriend at his job. The next morning Angela's car was found abandoned by a river. She was never seen again.
Charley Project:
Map analysis:
If you have any information regarding the disappearance of Angela Freeman, please contact the Petal Police Department at (601) 544-5331.
Spotify, iTunes, Apple Podcasts, YouTube, Stitcher, Podbean, and many other platforms, especially outside the United States.
Unfound has social media accounts on: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.
Speaking of YouTube, join me on Mondays at 9pm ET on the Unfound Podcast Channel for the Live Show, the only one of its kind in true crime. Ask questions. Chat with other viewers. And give the show a thumbs up.
You can contribute to Unfound in the following ways:
3. Contribute during the Live Show with Superchat.
And 4. Join the YouTube Membership program for the low price of $2.99/month.
I need to thank the following people for contributions to Unfound this week:
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And, please mention Unfound at all true crime websites and forums. Thank you.
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On September 24, 2016, Unfound released the episode for Jason Jolkowski who went missing from Omaha, NE on June 13, 2001. Since then, and despite me avoiding superlatives in most forms, I have called Jason's case the most mysterious Unfound has featured. So today, you will hear the original interview along with a new opening, summation, and summary for this still unsolved disappearance.
Charley Project:
Map analysis:
If you have any information regarding the disappearance of Jason Jolkowski, please contact the Omaha Police Dept at (402) 444-5818.
Spotify, iTunes, Apple Podcasts, YouTube, Stitcher, Podbean, and many other platforms, especially outside the United States.
Unfound has social media accounts on: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.
Speaking of YouTube, join me on Wednesdays at 9pm ET on the Unfound Podcast Channel for the Live Show, the only one of its kind in true crime. Ask questions. Chat with other viewers. And give the show a thumbs up.
You can contribute to Unfound in the following ways:
3. Contribute during the Live Show with Superchat.
And 4. Join the YouTube Membership program for the low price of $2.99/month.
I need to thank the following people for contributions to Unfound this week:
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And, please mention Unfound at all true crime websites and forums. Thank you.
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Natasha Alex Carter and Susan Carter were a daughter and mother respectively from Beckley, WV. Susan had another older daughter and Natasha was 10 years old. Some time in February 2000, Susan's husband of 3 years claimed Susan and Natasha left with a man named Jose or Manuel. They were never seen again.
Charley Project:
If you have any information regarding the disappearances of Natasha and Susan Carter, please contact the Pineville Police Department at (304) 732-6255.
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Jessica Nicole Stacks was a 28 year old from New Albany, MS. She was a divorced mother of 3 who liked to fish. In the early morning of Jan. 1, 2021, Jessica and her boyfriend took his boat to the Tallahatchee River. Not long into their trip downstream, Jessica decided she wanted to go home so they went to shore and Jessica got out. She was never seen again.
Unfound Web Page:
Map Analysis:
If you have any information concerning the disappearance of Jessica Stacks, please contact the Union County Sheriff's Office at (662) 534-1943.
Where You Can Find Unfound:
On These Following Podcast Platforms: Spotify, iTunes, Stitcher, Podbean, and many others. Especially outside the United States.
Please check out the new podcast, Unfound Live. Find it on your podcast application.
Social Media sites: YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and the newest one, TikTok.
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Bernard Wright Rusness and Peggy Joyce McKay were a 49 year old and 41 respectively from Wolf Lake, MN. They had been together several years and had a son. On the night of April 3, 1976, locals noticed the Rusness-McKay house on fire. Firefighters found the son dead inside. Yet, Bernard and Peggy's remains were not there. They were never seen again.
Charley Project:
Map Analysis:
Unfound Page:
If you have any information regarding the disappearance of Bernard Rusness and Peggy McKay, please contact the Becker County Sheriff's Office at (218) 847-2661.
Where You Can Find Unfound:
On These Following Podcast Platforms: Spotify, iTunes, Stitcher, Podbean, and many others. Especially outside the United States.
Please check out the new podcast, Unfound Live. Find it on your podcast application.
Social Media sites: YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and the newest one, TikTok.
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And please mention Unfound at all true crime websites and forums. Thank you.
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Parris Lechelle Hopson was a 26 year old from Columbus, OH. She was an artistic type who was close to her mother and brother. On Christmas Day, 2019, Parris was at her grandparents' home in Massillon, OH. Parris told everyone she was going to walk down to the local park and she would be back shortly. She was never seen again.
Charley Project:
Map Analysis:
If you have any information regarding the disappearance of Parris Hopson, please contact the Massillon Police Department at (330) 830-1735.
Where You Can Find Unfound:
On These Following Podcast Platforms: Spotify, iTunes, Stitcher, Podbean, and many others. Especially outside the United States.
Please check out the new podcast, Unfound Live. Find it on your podcast application.
Social Media sites: YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and the newest one, TikTok.
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And please mention Unfound at all true crime websites and forums. Thank you.
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Kyle Richard Fleischmann was a 24 year old from Charlotte, NC. He was a popular guy who chose a career in business. In the early morning hours of November 9, 2007, after going to a show and a bar, Kyle was alone in the uptown part of Charlotte. He tried calling several people, seemingly to pick him up but Kyle left no messages. He was never seen again.
Charley Project:
Unfound Website:
Map Analysis:
If you have any information concerning the disappearance of Kyle Flesichmann, please contact the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department at (704) 336-4978.
Where You Can Find Unfound:
On These Following Podcast Platforms: Spotify, iTunes, Stitcher, Podbean, and many others. Especially outside the United States.
Social Media sites: YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and the newest one, TikTok.
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Unfound's first episode debuted on the first Friday of September, 2016—yes, six years ago today. During that time, this program has covered 264 disappearances. To recognize this anniversary, you get to hear the first interview I ever conducted and, after, I will talk about what it takes to get to 330 podcast episodes.
Where You Can Find Unfound:
On These Following Podcast Platforms: Spotify, iTunes, Stitcher, Podbean, and many others. Especially outside the United States.
Social Media sites: YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and the newest one, TikTok.
Listener support sites:
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Ed discusses the disappearance of Trevor Deely, what exactly happened at NAMUS this past weekend, he talks about listeners who have been inspired by Unfound, and he covers a bunch of other stuff including . . . how the past Friday was horrible then ended up pretty good.
--Unfound plays on Spotify, iTunes, Stitcher, Instagram, Twitter, Podbean, Deezer, Google Play and many other podcast platforms.
--on Wednesday nights at 9pm ET, please join us on the Unfound Podcast Channel for the Unfound Live Show. All of you can talk with me and I can answer your questions.
--Contribute to Unfound at
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Unfound is a podcast that has now covered 264 disappearances over 328 episodes. It has an interview-based format and concentrates on the facts, not the theories. Today, and for the 12th time, I will take you back to the beginning, then right up to the present, as I cover recent updates on many of Unfound's cases.
Where You Can Find Unfound:
On These Following Podcast Platforms: Spotify, iTunes, Stitcher, Podbean, and many others. Especially outside the United States.
Social Media sites: YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and the newest one, TikTok.
Listener support sites:
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And please mention Unfound at all true crime websites and forums. Thank you.
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On this August 22, 2022 edition, Ed will talk about the discovery of Kiely Rodni, will get everyone's opinion on pre-crime, Ed will reveal the results of the Carlos Rodriguez murder trial, and he will cover a whole bunch of other stuff including . . . how his condo building got weird a couple days ago.
--Unfound plays on Spotify, iTunes, Stitcher, Instagram, Twitter, Podbean, Deezer, Google Play and many other podcast platforms.
--on Wednesday nights at 9pm ET, please join us on the Unfound Podcast Channel for the Unfound Live Show. All of you can talk with me and I can answer your questions.
--Contribute to Unfound at
You can also contribute at Paypal:
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Milda Dahl McQuillan was a 71 year old who lived on Round Lake in MN. She was a mother who loved to play cards and cook. On June 17, 1975, Milda took a short drive to visit the friends of a mutual friend. She allegedly never arrived. Milda's car was eventually found near her destination. She was never seen again.
Charley Project:
Unfound Website Page:
Map Analysis:
If you have any information regarding the disappearance of Milda McQuillan, please contact the Becker County Sheriff's Office at (218) 847-2661.
Where You Can Find Unfound:
On These Following Podcast Platforms: Spotify, iTunes, Stitcher, Podbean, and many others. Especially outside the United States.
Social Media sites: YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and the newest one, TikTok.
Listener support sites:
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And please mention Unfound at all true crime websites and forums. Thank you.
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On this episode Ed will talk about the disappearance of Kiely Rodni and the unexplained death of Elijah Davis, updates everyone on upcoming episodes, and discusses a bunch of other stuff including . . . how he knew what a funambulist was.
--Unfound plays on Spotify, iTunes, Stitcher, Instagram, Twitter, Podbean, Deezer, Google Play and many other podcast platforms.
--on Wednesday nights at 9pm ET, please join us on the Unfound Podcast Channel for the Unfound Live Show. All of you can talk with me and I can answer your questions.
--Contribute to Unfound at
You can also contribute at Paypal:
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Brenda Sue Davidson was a 13 year old from Woodbridge, VA. She was the oldest of 5 and tall for her age. On March 4, 1974, Brenda left for school. Accounts are wide-ranging as to what happened after this but Brenda did not return home. She was never seen again.
Charley Project:
If you have any information concerning the disappearance of Brenda Davidson, please contact the Prince William County Police Department at (703) 792-6500.
Where You Can Find Unfound:
On These Following Podcast Platforms: Spotify, iTunes, Stitcher, Podbean, and many others. Especially outside the United States.
Social Media sites: YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and the newest one, TikTok.
Listener support sites:
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And please mention Unfound at all true crime websites and forums. Thank you.
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Ed talks about Olivia Newton-John, Anne Heche's crash, an old disappearance from Las Vegas, and a bunch of other stuff including . . . how he almost cut his left hand in half.
--Unfound plays on Spotify, iTunes, Stitcher, Instagram, Twitter, Podbean, Deezer, Google Play and many other podcast platforms.
--on Wednesday nights at 9pm ET, please join us on the Unfound Podcast Channel for the Unfound Live Show. All of you can talk with me and I can answer your questions.
--Contribute to Unfound at
You can also contribute at Paypal:
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Jay Boyle, Michael Cummins, Danny Higgins, Jamie Lefebvre, Robbie Rumboldt, and Chad Smith were 6 teenagers from Pickering, Ontario, Canada. In the early morning hours of March 18, 1995, the group was at a party. They then were headed to a marina to goof around. Video caught 3 of them there minutes later. All of them were never seen again.
Map Analysis:
If you have any information concerning the disappearance of these boys, please contact the DRPS at 1-888-579-1520, ext. 2511.
Where You Can Find Unfound:
On These Following Podcast Platforms: Spotify, iTunes, Stitcher, Podbean, and many others. Especially outside the United States.
Social Media sites: YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and the newest one, TikTok.
Listener support sites:
The website:
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And please mention Unfound at all true crime websites and forums. Thank you.
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Ed celebrates this special day by showing things he has received, updates everyone the Tyler North murder, discusses the disappearance of Daniel Robinson . . . and a whole bunch of other stuff . . . including the tv series he is re-watching from beginning to end.
--Unfound plays on Spotify, iTunes, Stitcher, Instagram, Twitter, Podbean, Deezer, Google Play and many other podcast platforms.
--on Wednesday nights at 9pm ET, please join us on the Unfound Podcast Channel for the Unfound Live Show. All of you can talk with me and I can answer your questions.
--Contribute to Unfound at
You can also contribute at Paypal:
--email address:
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Belinda Brewster was a 26 year old from San Francisco, CA. She had 3 children and many siblings. Some time in January 1991, Belinda left her sister's house, saying she was going to the store and she'd be right back. Belinda never returned. She was never seen again.
Charley Project:
If you have information regarding the disappearance of Belinda Brewster, please contact the San Francisco Police Dept. at (415) 558-5508.
Where You Can Find Unfound:
On These Following Podcast Platforms: Spotify, iTunes, Stitcher, Podbean, and many others. Especially outside the United States.
Social Media sites: YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and the newest one, TikTok.
Listener support sites:
The website:
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And please mention Unfound at all true crime websites and forums. Thank you.
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Ed discusses:
--a Brink's heist.
--how he feels sorry for corporate employees
--the Kristin Smart trial
--the death of Christina Powell
. . .and whole bunch of other stuff including how he prepares to go on a trip.
--Unfound plays on Spotify, iTunes, Stitcher, Instagram, Twitter, Podbean, Google Play and many other podcast platforms.
--on Wednesday nights at 9pm ET, please join us on the Unfound Podcast Channel for the Unfound Live Show. All of you can talk with me and I can answer your questions.
--Contribute to Unfound at
You can also contribute at Paypal:
--email address:
--the website:
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Chase Allen Lackey was a 25 year old from Houston, TX. He had 4 siblings and was an excellent baseball player. On June 30, 2017, a Friday, some of Chase's family showed up to watch him play in a softball game. After that evening, repeated calls and texts to Chase went unanswered. He and his dog were never seen again.
Charley Project:
If you have any information concerning the disappearance of Chase Lackey, please contact the Harris County Sheriff's Office at (713) 221-6000.
Where You Can Find Unfound:
On These Following Podcast Platforms: Spotify, iTunes, Stitcher, Podbean, and many others. Especially outside the United States.
Social Media sites: YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and the newest one, TikTok.
Listener support sites:
The website:
The email address:
And please mention Unfound at all true crime websites and forums. Thank you.
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Ed will discuss the latest in the Murdaugh case, fill in everyone on his trip from FL to IL to OH to PA, he will discuss some of Unfound's disappearances getting renewed attention, and he will detail a great encounter with a fan of Unfound. All that and more!!!!
--Unfound plays on Spotify, iTunes, Stitcher, Instagram, Twitter, Podbean, Deezer, Google Play and many other podcast platforms.
--on Wednesday nights at 9pm ET, please join us on the Unfound Podcast Channel for the Unfound Live Show. All of you can talk with me and I can answer your questions.
--Contribute to Unfound at
You can also contribute at Paypal:
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Mekayla Margaret Bali was a 16 year old from Yorkton, Saskatchewan, Canada. She was a shy girl who played the violin. On April 12, 2016, Mekayla was dropped off at school but didn't attend any classes. Over the next several hours videos around town showed Mekayla going to various locations by herself--these sightings ended at about 1:30pm. She was never seen again.
YouTube Map analysis:
If you have any information concerning the disappearance of Mekayla Bali, please contact the F Division RCMP Historical Case Unit at (639) 625-4111.
Where You Can Find Unfound:
On These Following Podcast Platforms: Spotify, iTunes, Stitcher, Podbean, and many others. Especially outside the United States.
Social Media sites: YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and the newest one, TikTok.
Listener support sites:
The website:
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And please mention Unfound at all true crime websites and forums. Thank you.
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Ed talks about self defense, a guy who died in a grinder, how disappearances vary from country to country, and . . . what exactly is he doing in Illinois.
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Craig Allen Frear disappeared from the Cambridge Manor apartment complex in Scotia, NY on June 27, 2004. Despite many searches for Craig over the years and this podcast's coverage in 2017, Craig is still missing. Today, we re-visit his case with new opening commentary, a new summary, and a new summation after the original interview.
Charley Project:
Map analysis:
If you have any information regarding the disappearance of Craig Frear, please contact the New York State Police - Troop G Headquarters at (518) 783-3211.
Where You Can Find Unfound:
On These Following Podcast Platforms: Spotify, iTunes, Stitcher, Podbean, and many others. Especially outside the United States.
Social Media sites: YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and the newest one, TikTok.
Listener support sites:
The website:
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And please mention Unfound at all true crime websites and forums. Thank you.
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On this episode:
--a 7-11 investigation story.
--a new 2-prong test for disappearances.
--the guy who disappeared after being given $180,000 mistakenly.
--the disappearance of Crystal Rogers.
. . . and much much more.
--Unfound plays on Spotify, iTunes, Stitcher, Instagram, Twitter, Podbean, Deezer, Google Play and many other podcast platforms.
--on Wednesday nights at 9pm ET, please join us on the Unfound Podcast Channel for the Unfound Live Show. All of you can talk with me and I can answer your questions.
--Contribute to Unfound at
You can also contribute at Paypal:
--email address:
--the website:
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Holly Alcott White was a 49 year old from Taos, NM. She worked in the arts community of that city but was moving to Albuquerque. On the morning of May 6, 2016, Holly didn't show up for a going away party held in her honor. Holly's car was later found at a well-known suicide spot outside town. She was never seen again.
Charley Project:
Map analysis:
If you have any information concerning the disappearance of Holly White, please contact the New Mexico State Police at (505) 827-9319.
Where You Can Find Unfound:
On These Following Podcast Platforms: Spotify, iTunes, Stitcher, Podbean, and many others. Especially outside the United States.
Social Media sites: YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and the newest one, TikTok.
Listener support sites:
The website:
The email address:
And please mention Unfound at all true crime websites and forums. Thank you.
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Ed discusses the Natasha Richardson Effect, the murder of Jared Bridegan, the Amarillo Zoo thing, and a bunch of other excellent true crime topics.
--Unfound plays on Spotify, iTunes, Stitcher, Instagram, Twitter, Podbean, Deezer, Google Play and many other podcast platforms.
--on Wednesday nights at 9pm ET, please join us on the Unfound Podcast Channel for the Unfound Live Show. All of you can talk with me and I can answer your questions.
--Contribute to Unfound at
You can also contribute at Paypal:
--email address:
--the website:
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Jacqueline Lucille Cooper was a 27 year old from Modesto, CA. She was the mother of 3 and worked at a cannery. On November 12, 1976, Jackie left home--everyone believed she was headed to her job. It's unclear whether she arrived or not. Yet, Jackie never returned to her house. She was never seen again.
Charley Project:
If you have any information concerning the disappearance of Jackie Cooper, please contact the Stanislaus County Sheriff's Department at (209) 525-7114.
Where You Can Find Unfound:
On These Following Podcast Platforms: Spotify, iTunes, Stitcher, Podbean, and many others. Especially outside the United States.
Social Media sites: YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and the newest one, TikTok.
Listener support sites:
The website:
The email address:
And please mention Unfound at all true crime websites and forums. Thank you.
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What's on Ed's list?
--A Newsweek article about women and true crime podcasting.
--A disappearance gets a person banned from a National Park.
--Why friends and family move on.
--American soccer's only disappearance.
. . . and a whole lot more.
--Unfound plays on Spotify, iTunes, Stitcher, Instagram, Twitter, Podbean, Deezer, Google Play and many other podcast platforms.
--on Wednesday nights at 9pm ET, please join us on the Unfound Podcast Channel for the Unfound Live Show. All of you can talk with me and I can answer your questions.
--Contribute to Unfound at
You can also contribute at Paypal:
--email address:
--the website:
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Justin Glen Gaines was an 18 year old from Snellville, GA. He was a college student and came from a blended family. In the early morning of Nov. 2, 2007, Justin was at a club in Duluth. After unsuccessfully trying to find a ride home, Justin was seen on video walking into the parking lot. He was never seen again.
Charley Project:
If you have any information regarding the disappearance of Justin Gaines, please contact the Gwinnett County Police Department at (770) 513-5000.
Where You Can Find Unfound:
On These Following Podcast Platforms: Spotify, iTunes, Stitcher, Podbean, and many others. Especially outside the United States.
Social Media sites: YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and the newest one, TikTok.
Listener support sites:
The website:
The email address:
And please mention Unfound at all true crime websites and forums. Thank you.
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Ed talks about Top Gun, the disappearance of Sylvia Frens, the tv show Cops, and many other topics.
--Unfound plays on Spotify, iTunes, Stitcher, Instagram, Twitter, Podbean, Deezer, Google Play and many other podcast platforms.
--on Monday nights at 9pm ET, please join us on the Unfound Podcast Channel for the Unfound Live Show. All of you can talk with me and I can answer your questions.
--Contribute to Unfound at
You can also contribute at Paypal:
--email address:
--the website:
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Bradley Chace Stracener was a 30 year old from Leesville, LA. He had 3 siblings and was very mechanically inclined. On the afternoon of Oct. 30, 2019, Bradley left his mother's to return his girlfriend's car to her. Bradley never arrived. The car was found only half mile down the road. He was never seen again.
Charley Project:
If you have any information regarding the disappearance of Bradley Stracener, please contact the Vernon Parish Sheriff's Office at (337) 238-1311.
Where You Can Find Unfound:
On These Following Podcast Platforms: Spotify, iTunes, Stitcher, Podbean, and many others. Especially outside the United States.
Social Media sites: YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and the newest one, TikTok.
Listener support sites:
The website:
The email address:
And please mention Unfound at all true crime websites and forums. Thank you.
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On this first ever Monday Live Show, and the first to become a podcast, Ed discusses national true crime news concerning John Walsh and his daughter, the disappearance of murderer Kaitlin Armstrong, and the concept of "parents never willingly leave.". Ed also discusses Unfound news concerning Rebecca Gary, Tom Brown, and the role of homelessness in disappearances.
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Mary Louise Watkins was a 54 year old divorcee from Modesto, CA. She had 5 children and worked in the medical field. On May 17, 1979, Mary packed up everything she owned and said she was running off to get married. She was never seen again.
Charley Project:
The Unfound Website Page:
If you have any information concerning the disappearance of Mary Watkins, please contact the Modesto Police Department at (209) 572-9500.
Where You Can Find Unfound:
On These Following Podcast Platforms: Spotify, iTunes, Stitcher, Podbean, and many others. Especially outside the United States.
Social Media sites: YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and the newest one, TikTok.
Listener support sites:
The website:
The email address:
And please mention Unfound at all true crime websites and forums. Thank you.
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Daniel James Villarreal was a 24 year old from Surprize, AZ. He survived after being born 9 weeks early and had excellent mechanical skills. On August 24, 2020, Daniel was with his girlfriend, Jessica, when he hit two cars while driving in Glendale. Daniel fled the scene but Jessica stayed. The problem? A witness claimed the driver wasn't Daniel. He was never seen again.
Charley Project:
If you have any information regarding the disappearance of Daniel Villarreal, please contact the Surprise Police Department at (623) 222-4000.
Where You Can Find Unfound:
On These Following Podcast Platforms: Spotify, iTunes, Stitcher, Podbean, and many others. Especially outside the United States.
Social Media sites: YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and the newest one, TikTok.
Listener support sites:
The website:
The email address:
And please mention Unfound at all true crime websites and forums. Thank you.
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Unfound will be adding its long-running YouTube Live Show to this podcast feed starting June 7, 2022.
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Ryan John Marcus Shtuka was a 20 year old from Alberta, Canada. He had a close group of friends and two younger sisters. In the early morning hours of Feb. 17, 2018, in Sun Peaks, British Columbia, Ryan left a party to walk the short distance home. Ryan never arrived. He was never seen again.
The documentary:
If you have any information regarding the disappearance of Ryan Shtuka, please contact the Kamloops RCMP at (250) 828-3000.
Spotify, iTunes, Apple Podcasts, YouTube, Stitcher, Podbean, and many other platforms, especially outside the United States.
Unfound has social media accounts on: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.
Speaking of YouTube, join me on Wednesdays at 9pm ET on the Unfound Podcast Channel for the Live Show, the only one of its kind in true crime. Ask questions. Chat with other viewers. And give the show a thumbs up.
You can contribute to Unfound in the following ways:
3. Contribute during the Live Show with Superchat.
And 4. Join the YouTube Membership program for the low price of $2.99/month.
I need to thank the following people for contributions to Unfound this week:
The website:
The email address:
And, please mention Unfound at all true crime websites and forums. Thank you.
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Rhonda Ilean Smith was a 21 year old from Newnan, GA. She was tall-about six feet in height and had been in the US Army. On Feb. 27, 1984, Rhonda left her home early to go shopping. Rhonda's vehicle was later found at an Atlanta mall. She was never seen again.
Charley Project:
Disappearance mentioned during the interview:
Rhonda's Unfound website page:
If you have any information concerning the disappearance of Rhonda Smith, please contact the Atlanta Police Department at (404) 546-5602.
Spotify, iTunes, Apple Podcasts, YouTube, Stitcher, Podbean, and many other platforms, especially outside the United States.
Unfound has social media accounts on: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.
Speaking of YouTube, join me on Wednesdays at 9pm ET on the Unfound Podcast Channel for the Live Show, the only one of its kind in true crime. Ask questions. Chat with other viewers. And give the show a thumbs up.
You can contribute to Unfound in the following ways:
3. Contribute during the Live Show with Superchat.
And 4. Join the YouTube Membership program for the low price of $2.99/month.
I need to thank the following people for contributions to Unfound this week:
The website:
The email address:
And, please mention Unfound at all true crime websites and forums. Thank you.
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Douglas Paul Crawford was a 66 year old from Orange, TX. He was a father and cancer survivor. On March 18, 2021, in Vinton, Louisiana, Douglas allegedly allowed two people he didn't know to borrow his vehicle. When they returned, Douglas was gone. He was never seen again.
Charley Project:
If you have any information regarding the disappearance of Douglas Crawford, please contact the Vinton Police Department at (337) 589-3561.
Spotify, iTunes, Apple Podcasts, YouTube, Stitcher, Podbean, and many other platforms, especially outside the United States.
Unfound has social media accounts on: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.
Speaking of YouTube, join me on Wednesdays at 9pm ET on the Unfound Podcast Channel for the Live Show, the only one of its kind in true crime. Ask questions. Chat with other viewers. And give the show a thumbs up.
You can contribute to Unfound in the following ways:
3. Contribute during the Live Show with Superchat.
And 4. Join the YouTube Membership program for the low price of $2.99/month.
I need to thank the following people for contributions to Unfound this week:
The website:
The email address:
And, please mention Unfound at all true crime websites and forums. Thank you.
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Every 4 months--April, August, and December--Ed updates the listeners on Unfound's disappearances which have had breaking news.
You can find Unfound episodes on:
Spotify, iTunes, Apple Podcasts, YouTube, Stitcher, Podbean, and many other platforms, especially outside the United States.
Unfound has social media accounts on: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.
Speaking of YouTube, join me on Wednesdays at 9pm ET on the Unfound Podcast Channel for the Live Show, the only one of its kind in true crime. Ask questions. Chat with other viewers. And give the show a thumbs up.
You can contribute to Unfound in the following ways:
3. Contribute during the Live Show with Superchat.
And 4. Join the YouTube Membership program for the low price of $2.99/month.
The website:
The email address:
And, please mention Unfound at all true crime websites and forums. Thank you.
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Steven Allan Davis was a 23 year old from San Francisco, CA. He was a musician who had an older sister and 2 younger brothers. On Halloween, 1986, a Friday, Steven told people he was going to a friend's party then heading back to his hometown about 30 minutes away. Steven never arrived at either. He was never seen again.
Unfound's Page for Steve Davis:
If you have any information regarding the disappearance of Steve Davis, please contact the San Francisco Police Department at 415-553-0123.
Spotify, iTunes, Apple Podcasts, YouTube, Stitcher, Podbean, and many other platforms, especially outside the United States.
Unfound has social media accounts on: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.
Speaking of YouTube, join me on Wednesdays at 9pm ET on the Unfound Podcast Channel for the Live Show, the only one of its kind in true crime. Ask questions. Chat with other viewers. And give the show a thumbs up.
You can contribute to Unfound in the following ways:
3. Contribute during the Live Show with Superchat.
And 4. Join the YouTube Membership program for the low price of $2.99/month.
I need to thank the following people for contributions to Unfound this week:
The website:
The email address:
And, please mention Unfound at all true crime websites and forums. Thank you.
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Ed answers the best questions he has gotten over the past year.
Spotify, iTunes, Apple Podcasts, YouTube, Stitcher, Podbean, and many other platforms, especially outside the United States.
Unfound has social media accounts on: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.
Speaking of YouTube, join me on Wednesdays at 9pm ET on the Unfound Podcast Channel for the Live Show, the only one of its kind in true crime. Ask questions. Chat with other viewers. And give the show a thumbs up.
You can contribute to Unfound in the following ways:
3. Contribute during the Live Show with Superchat.
And 4. Join the YouTube Membership program for the low price of $2.99/month.
I need to thank the following people for contributions to Unfound this week:
--Carol and K Dawg.
The website:
The email address:
And, please mention Unfound at all true crime websites and forums. Thank you.
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Paul Gregory Egan was an 18 year old from Plantation, FL. He had five siblings and worked for a family friend. During the early morning of July 21, 1975, Paul allegedly drove his friend’s Jeep home from work, with it ending up in his carport. Later that day, no one could locate Paul. He was never seen again.
Unfound Website:
Charley Project:
If you have any information regarding the disappearance of Paul Egan, please contact the Plantation Police Department at (954) 797-2100.
You can find Unfound episodes on:
Spotify, iTunes, Apple Podcasts, YouTube, Stitcher, Podbean, and many other platforms, especially outside the United States.
Unfound has social media accounts on: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.
Speaking of YouTube, join me on Wednesdays at 9pm ET on the Unfound Podcast Channel for the Live Show, the only one of its kind in true crime. Ask questions. Chat with other viewers. And give the show a thumbs up.
You can contribute to Unfound in the following ways:
3. Contribute during the Live Show with Superchat.
And 4. Join the YouTube Membership program for the low price of $2.99/month.
The website:
The email address:
And, please mention Unfound at all true crime websites and forums. Thank you.
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Harry Dennis Milligan was a 21 year old from Avery, IA. He was going to college and was a Marine reservist. In the early morning hours of July 1, 1984, in Albia, IA, friends watched as Harry got into his car to drive home. Harry never made it there. He and his car were never seen again.
Charley Project:
If you have any information regarding the disappearance of Harry Milligan, please contact the Monroe County Sheriff's Office at (515) 932-7815.
You can find Unfound episodes on:
Spotify, iTunes, Apple Podcasts, YouTube, Stitcher, Podbean, and many other platforms, especially outside the United States.
Unfound has social media accounts on: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.
Speaking of YouTube, join me on Wednesdays at 9pm ET on the Unfound Podcast Channel for the Live Show, the only one of its kind in true crime. Ask questions. Chat with other viewers. And give the show a thumbs up.
You can contribute to Unfound in the following ways:
3. Contribute during the Live Show with Superchat.
And 4. Join the YouTube Membership program for the low price of $2.99/month.
The website:
The email address:
And, please mention Unfound at all true crime websites and forums. Thank you.
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Kimberly Michelle Wilson-Talley was a 49 year old from Youngstown, OH. She had two siblings and was a cancer survivor. During the course of January 2017, friends and family noticed they hadn’t heard from Kimberly. An inspection of her apartment revealed Kimberly hadn’t been there in a while. She was never seen again.
Charley Project:
If you have any information regarding the disappearance of Kimberly Wilson-Talley, please contact the Youngstown Police Department at (330) 747-7911.
You can find Unfound episodes on:
Spotify, iTunes, Apple Podcasts, YouTube, Stitcher, Podbean, and many other platforms, especially outside the United States.
Unfound has social media accounts on: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.
Speaking of YouTube, join me on Wednesdays at 9pm ET on the Unfound Podcast Channel for the Live Show, the only one of its kind in true crime. Ask questions. Chat with other viewers. And give the show a thumbs up.
You can contribute to Unfound in the following ways:
3. Contribute during the Live Show with Superchat.
And 4. Join the YouTube Membership program for the low price of $2.99/month.
The website:
The email address:
And, please mention Unfound at all true crime websites and forums. Thank you.
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Dub and Chance Wackerhagen were father and son, respectively, from Lockhart, TX. Dub had joint custody of Chance and Chance was 9 years old. Just after Christmas 1993, Dub’s new girlfriend was found shot to death in her house. And nobody could account for Dub and Chance’s location. They were never seen again.
Lost And Found Blogs:
Charley Project:
If you have any information regarding Latricia’s murder and the disappearances of Dub and Chance Wackerhagen, please contact the Caldwell County Sheriff's Office at (512) 398-6777.
You can find Unfound episodes on:
Spotify, iTunes, Apple Podcasts, YouTube, Stitcher, Podbean, and many other platforms, especially outside the United States.
Unfound has social media accounts on: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.
Speaking of YouTube, join me on Wednesdays at 9pm ET on the Unfound Podcast Channel for the Live Show, the only one of its kind in true crime. Ask questions. Chat with other viewers. And give the show a thumbs up.
You can contribute to Unfound in the following ways:
3. Contribute during the Live Show with Superchat.
And 4. Join the YouTube Membership program for the low price of $2.99/month.
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Mark Joseph Himebaugh was an 11 year old from Del Haven, NJ. He was an adventurous boy who had an older brother. On November 25, 1991, Mark left his house to investigate a nearby brush fire. Several witnesses saw him during this time but mark didn’t return home. He was never seen again.
Where Is Mark?:
Charley Project:
Map Analysis:
If you have any information regarding the disappearance of Mark Himebaugh, please contact the Middle Township Police Department at (609) 465-8700.
You can find Unfound episodes on:
iTunes, Apple Podcasts, YouTube, Stitcher, Podbean, and many other platforms, especially outside the United States.
Unfound has social media accounts on: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.
Speaking of YouTube, join me on Wednesdays at 9pm ET on the Unfound Podcast Channel for the Live Show, the only one of its kind in true crime. Ask questions. Chat with other viewers. And give the show a thumbs up.
You can contribute to Unfound in the following ways:
3. Contribute during the Live Show with Superchat.
And 4. Join the YouTube Membership program for the low price of $2.99/month.
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And, please mention Unfound at all true crime websites and forums. Thank you.
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Susan Anne Swedell was a 19 year old from Lake Elmo, Minnesota. She was introverted and very artistic. On January 19, 1988, Sue was on her way home from work when her car overheated. She pulled into a gas station. A few minutes later, Sue got picked up. She was never seen again.Facebook: Project: Swedell Web Page: you have any information regarding the disappearance of Sue Swedell, please contact the Washington County Sheriff's Office at (651) 439-9381.
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Mary Ann Verdecchia was a 10 year old from Pittsburgh, PA. She was raised by her aunt and loved to visit people in the neighborhood. Mary Ann disappeared on June 7, 1962. Her mystery was the last of three still unsolved cases to occur not just in the same building, but on the same floor over the course of 4 years. A woman, Mary Regan, was murdered and 2 people, Marcella Krulce and Mary Ann, were never seen again.Amazon: Project: on all 3 cases: you have any information regarding any of these mysteries, please contact the Pittsburgh Police Department at 412-323-7800.Unfound supports accounts on Pandora, Audible, Podomatic, iTunes, Spotify, iHeart, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Deezer, and YouTube.--speaking of YouTube, on Wednesday nights at 9pm ET, please join us for the Unfound Live Show. All of you can talk with me and I can answer your questions.--Contribute to Unfound at can also contribute at Paypal: also need to give a shout out to all the people who have monetarily contributed usingSuperChat during the Live Show on Wednesday nights.--thank you for watching and thank you for donating.--the email address: books at in both ebook and print form.--do not forget the reviews.--shirts at you can track down my assistant Heather in the Facebook Group.--playing cards at website: the please mention Unfound at all true crime websites and forums. Thank you
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Sebastian Henderson Kelley was a 30 year old from Westbrook, ME. He was the father of two and was an excellent dancer. On the morning of June 17, 2017, Sebastian was dropped off at his boss' house. A couple days later Sebastian called the mother of one of his children. He was never seen again.
Charley Project:
If you have any information concerning the disappearance of Sebastian Kelley, please contact the Portland Police Department at (207) 874-8479.
Unfound supports accounts on Pandora, Audible, Podomatic, iTunes, Spotify, iHeart, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Deezer, and YouTube.--speaking of YouTube, on Wednesday nights at 9pm ET, please join us for the Unfound Live Show. All of you can talk with me and I can answer your questions.--Contribute to Unfound at can also contribute at Paypal: also need to give a shout out to all the people who have monetarily contributed usingSuperChat during the Live Show on Wednesday nights.--thank you for watching and thank you for donating.--the email address: books at in both ebook and print form.--do not forget the reviews.--shirts at you can track down my assistant Heather in the Facebook Group.--playing cards at website: the please mention Unfound at all true crime websites and forums. Thank you
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Andrea Michelle Knabel was a 37 year old from Louisville, KY. She was the mother of two and a volunteer in the missing persons community. In the early morning of August 13, 2019, Andrea left her sister’s on foot, presumably to head back to her own home. Andrea’s phone eventually pinged at her house but no one actually saw her. She was never seen again.Facebook: Analysis: Project: you have any information regarding the disappearance of Andrea Knabel, please contact the Louisville Metro Police Department at (502) 574-7111.Unfound supports accounts on Pandora, Audible, Podomatic, iTunes, Spotify, iHeart, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Deezer, and YouTube.--speaking of YouTube, on Wednesday nights at 9pm ET, please join us for the Unfound Live Show. All of you can talk with me and I can answer your questions.--Contribute to Unfound at can also contribute at Paypal: also need to give a shout out to all the people who have monetarily contributed usingSuperChat during the Live Show on Wednesday nights.--thank you for watching and thank you for donating.--the email address: books at in both ebook and print form.--do not forget the reviews.--shirts at you can track down my assistant Heather in the Facebook Group.--playing cards at website: the please mention Unfound at all true crime websites and forums. Thank you
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Jennifer Rae Perry was a 13 year old from Marathon, FL. She had a brother and sister, and could be a wild child. On the night of July 30, 1993, Jennifer and her mother got into an argument in the street. Jennifer stormed off. Her mother believed she walked to Jennifer’s sister’s place. Jennifer never arrived. She was never seen again.Map Analysis: FOIA: Project: you have any information concerning the disappearance of Jennifer Perry, please contact the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office at (305) 289-2410.Unfound supports accounts on Pandora, Audible, Podomatic, iTunes, Spotify, iHeart, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Deezer, and YouTube.--speaking of YouTube, on Wednesday nights at 9pm ET, please join us for the Unfound Live Show. All of you can talk with me and I can answer your questions.--Contribute to Unfound at can also contribute at Paypal: also need to give a shout out to all the people who have monetarily contributed usingSuperChat during the Live Show on Wednesday nights.--thank you for watching and thank you for donating.--the email address: books at in both ebook and print form.--do not forget the reviews.--shirts at you can track down my assistant Heather in the Facebook Group.--playing cards at website: the please mention Unfound at all true crime websites and forums. Thank you
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Paul David Sanders was a 17 year old from Mesa, AZ. He was originally from Missouri and very athletic. On August 14, 2001, someone—the person may or may not have been Paul—driving Paul’s truck was pulled over by law enforcement in Tucson. A chase ensued in which the driver escaped. The truck was later found wrecked several miles away with no signs of Paul. He was never seen again.FACEBOOK: Project: ANALYSIS: you have any information regarding the disappearance of Paul Sanders please contact the Mesa Police Department at(480) 644-2211.Unfound supports accounts on Pandora, Audible, Podomatic, iTunes, Spotify, iHeart, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Deezer, and YouTube.--speaking of YouTube, on Wednesday nights at 9pm ET, please join us for the Unfound Live Show. All of you can talk with me and I can answer your questions.--Contribute to Unfound at can also contribute at Paypal: also need to give a shout out to all the people who have monetarily contributed usingSuperChat during the Live Show on Wednesday nights.--thank you for watching and thank you for donating.--the email address: books at in both ebook and print form.--do not forget the reviews.--shirts at you can track down my assistant Heather in the Facebook Group.--playing cards at website: the please mention Unfound at all true crime websites and forums. Thank you
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Christian Balke-Thompson was a 26 year old from Farnhamville, IA. He was a skateboarder and the father of two. In the early morning hours of May 3, 2020, Christian was seen at a convenience store with a female friend. 36 hours later Christian’s car was found on fire at a farm. He was never seen again.Facebook: Map analysis: you have any information regarding the disappearance of Christian Balke-Thompson, please contact the Rockwell City Police Department at (712) 297-7583.Unfound supports accounts on Pandora, Audible, Podomatic, iTunes, Spotify, iHeart, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Deezer, and YouTube.--speaking of YouTube, on Wednesday nights at 9pm ET, please join us for the Unfound Live Show. All of you can talk with me and I can answer your questions.--Contribute to Unfound at can also contribute at Paypal: also need to give a shout out to all the people who have monetarily contributed usingSuperChat during the Live Show on Wednesday nights.--thank you for watching and thank you for donating.--the email address: books at in both ebook and print form.--do not forget the reviews.--shirts at you can track down my assistant Heather in the Facebook Group.--playing cards at website: the please mention Unfound at all true crime websites and forums. Thank you
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Jordan Victor Carvalho was a 30 year old from Golden Valley, AZ. He was a quiet guy who was close to his brother. Just after sunrise on Sept. 1, 2019, Jordan’s grandmother saw him walk away from their home—he liked to go into the desert once in a while. Jordan never returned. He was never seen again.YouTube Map Analysis: Project: you have any information regarding the disappearance of Jordan Carvalho, please call the Mohave County Sheriff's Office at (800) 522-4312.Unfound supports accounts on Pandora, Audible, Podomatic, iTunes, Spotify, iHeart, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Deezer, and YouTube.--speaking of YouTube, on Wednesday nights at 9pm ET, please join us for the Unfound Live Show. All of you can talk with me and I can answer your questions.--Contribute to Unfound at can also contribute at Paypal: also need to give a shout out to all the people who have monetarily contributed usingSuperChat during the Live Show on Wednesday nights.--thank you for watching and thank you for donating.--the email address: books at in both ebook and print form.--do not forget the reviews.--shirts at you can track down my assistant Heather in the Facebook Group.--playing cards at website: the please mention Unfound at all true crime websites and forums. Thank you
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Unfound is a podcast that has now covered over 235 disappearances. It has an interview-based format and concentrates on the facts, not the theories. Today, and for the tenth time, I wil take you back to the beginning, then right up to the present, as I cover recent updates on many of Unfound’s">www.theunfoundpodcast.comFacebook:
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Ashley Victoria Koller disappeared from Corona, California some time in August 2009. Her last contact with anyone who knew her was a desperate phone call to a friend. On October 20, 2017, Unfound covered her case. Today we revisit this mystery with new commentary at the end.Original Episode: Project: you have any information regarding the disappearance of Ashley Koller, please contact the Corona Police Department at (951) 736-2330.Unfound supports accounts on Pandora, Audible, Podomatic, iTunes, Spotify, iHeart, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Deezer, and YouTube.--speaking of YouTube, on Wednesday nights at 9pm ET, please join us for the Unfound Live Show. All of you can talk with me and I can answer your questions.--Contribute to Unfound at can also contribute at Paypal: also need to give a shout out to all the people who have monetarily contributed usingSuperChat during the Live Show on Wednesday nights.--thank you for watching and thank you for donating.--the email address: books at in both ebook and print form.--do not forget the reviews.--shirts at you can track down my assistant Heather in the Facebook Group.--playing cards at website: the please mention Unfound at all true crime websites and forums. Thank you
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Belinda Gay Blaniar was a 33 year old from Arnold, PA. She had several brothers and sisters but had lived a tough life. In the early morning of June 21, 1996, Belinda walked out of her apartment to buy beer down the street. Witnesses saw her at a local bar then Belinda left. She was never seen again.Facebook: Project: you have any information concerning the disappearance of Belinda Blaniar, please contact the Arnold Police Department at (724) 339-9663.Unfound supports accounts on Pandora, Audible, Podomatic, iTunes, Spotify, iHeart, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Deezer, and YouTube.--speaking of YouTube, on Wednesday nights at 9pm ET, please join us for the Unfound Live Show. All of you can talk with me and I can answer your questions.--Contribute to Unfound at can also contribute at Paypal: also need to give a shout out to all the people who have monetarily contributed usingSuperChat during the Live Show on Wednesday nights.--thank you for watching and thank you for donating.--the email address: books at in both ebook and print form.--do not forget the reviews.--shirts at you can track down my assistant Heather in the Facebook Group.--playing cards at website: the please mention Unfound at all true crime websites and forums. Thank you
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Jamie Nichole Peterson was a 30 year old from Ross Township, PA. She had two children and was an auto mechanic. On September 26, 2011, Jamie’s children and mother came home to find her not there. The door was locked. Jamie’s car was there. And nothing seemed out of place. She was never seen again.Facebook: Project: you have any information regarding the disappearance of Jamie Peterson, please contact the Ross Township Police Department at (412) 931-9070.Unfound supports accounts on Pandora, Audible, Podomatic, iTunes, Spotify, iHeart, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Deezer, and YouTube.--speaking of YouTube, on Wednesday nights at 9pm ET, please join us for the Unfound Live Show. All of you can talk with me and I can answer your questions.--Contribute to Unfound at can also contribute at Paypal: also need to give a shout out to all the people who have monetarily contributed usingSuperChat during the Live Show on Wednesday nights.--thank you for watching and thank you for donating.--the email address: books at in both ebook and print form.--do not forget the reviews.--shirts at you can track down my assistant Heather in the Facebook Group.--playing cards at website: the please mention Unfound at all true crime websites and forums. Thank you
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Alexandria Joy Lowitzer, Ali to those who loved her most, was a 16 year old from Spring, TX. She had a boyfriend and just started a new job. On the afternoon of April 26, 2010, Ali got off the school bus at her regular stop. She had permission to walk to her job get her paycheck. Ali never arrived. She was never seen again.Website:https://alexandrialowitzer.comFacebook: Project: Analysis: you have any information regarding the disappearance of Ali Lowitzer, please contact the Harris County Sheriff's Office at (713) 221-6000.Unfound supports accounts on Pandora, Audible, Podomatic, iTunes, Spotify, iHeart, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Deezer, and YouTube.--speaking of YouTube, on Wednesday nights at 9pm ET, please join us for the Unfound Live Show. All of you can talk with me and I can answer your questions.--Contribute to Unfound at can also contribute at Paypal: also need to give a shout out to all the people who have monetarily contributed usingSuperChat during the Live Show on Wednesday nights.--thank you for watching and thank you for donating.--the email address: books at in both ebook and print form.--do not forget the reviews.--shirts at you can track down my assistant Heather in the Facebook Group.--playing cards at website: the please mention Unfound at all true crime websites and forums. Thank you
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Beatrice “BB” Villela was a 19 year old from San Antonio, TX. She was a beautician who had hopes of moving to Chicago. On September 28, 1980, Beatrice allegedly met up with her boss to pick up supplies then took them to his salon. Beatrice then left. She was never seen again.Crimeblogger1983is-bb-missing-beatrice-villela.htmlCharley"> Project: you have any information regarding the disappearance of Beatrice Villela, please contact the San Antonio Police Department at (210) 207-7660.Unfound supports accounts on Pandora, Audible, Podomatic, iTunes, Spotify, iHeart, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Deezer, and YouTube.--speaking of YouTube, on Wednesday nights at 9pm ET, please join us for the Unfound Live Show. All of you can talk with me and I can answer your questions.--Contribute to Unfound at can also contribute at Paypal: also need to give a shout out to all the people who have monetarily contributed usingSuperChat during the Live Show on Wednesday nights.--thank you for watching and thank you for donating.--the email address: books at in both ebook and print form.--do not forget the reviews.--shirts at you can track down my assistant Heather in the Facebook Group.--playing cards at website: the please mention Unfound at all true crime websites and forums. Thank you
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In May of 2020, I was invited to be on a YouTube fundraising game show run by another true crime program host. Since then, he and I have communicated many times and we even worked together earlier this year on the Jason Landry disappearance. Today, you get to hear from . . . John Lordan.Facebook: on YouTube’s Interview Landry Episodes supports accounts on Pandora, Audible, Podomatic, iTunes, Spotify, iHeart, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Deezer, and YouTube.--speaking of YouTube, on Wednesday nights at 9pm ET, please join us for the Unfound Live Show. All of you can talk with me and I can answer your questions.--Contribute to Unfound at can also contribute at Paypal: also need to give a shout out to all the people who have monetarily contributed usingSuperChat during the Live Show on Wednesday nights.--thank you for watching and thank you for donating.--the email address: books at in both ebook and print form.--do not forget the reviews.--shirts at you can track down my assistant Heather in the Facebook Group.--playing cards at website: the please mention Unfound at all true crime websites and forums. Thank you
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Lonene Ray Rogers, Lonnie to those who loved her most, was a 29 year old from Saegertown, PA. She was deaf and the mother of two. On the night of Jan. 7, 1981, Lonnie was at home with her children and husband. After putting the kids to bed, Lonnie’s husband claimed she left with another man. She was never seen again.Facebook: Project: you have any information regarding the disappearance of Lonene Rogers, please contact the Pennsylvania State Police at 814-332-6911.Unfound supports accounts on Pandora, Audible, Podomatic, iTunes, Spotify, iHeart, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Deezer, and YouTube.--speaking of YouTube, on Wednesday nights at 9pm ET, please join us for the Unfound Live Show. All of you can talk with me and I can answer your questions.--Contribute to Unfound at can also contribute at Paypal: also need to give a shout out to all the people who have monetarily contributed usingSuperChat during the Live Show on Wednesday nights.--thank you for watching and thank you for donating.--the email address: books at in both ebook and print form.--do not forget the reviews.--shirts at you can track down my assistant Heather in the Facebook Group.--playing cards at website: the please mention Unfound at all true crime websites and forums. Thank you
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Audrey May Herron was a 31 year old from Freehold, NY. She was a nurse and the mother of 3. On the night of August 29, 2002, Audrey left her job in Catskill to make the 20 minute drive home. Audrey never arrived. She and her Jeep were never seen again.Facebook: Project: Map Analysis: Watch Daily coverage: you have any information regarding the disappearance of Audrey Herron, please contact Investigator Mike Gabriel at the New York State Police at 518 622-8600.Unfound supports accounts on Pandora, Audible, Podomatic, iTunes, Spotify, iHeart, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Deezer, and YouTube.--speaking of YouTube, on Wednesday nights at 9pm ET, please join us for the Unfound Live Show. All of you can talk with me and I can answer your questions.--Contribute to Unfound at --You can also contribute at Paypal: also need to give a shout out to all the people who have monetarily contributed usingSuperChat during the Live Show on Wednesday nights.--thank you for watching and thank you for donating.--the email address: --The books at in both ebook and print form. --do not forget the reviews.--shirts at --or you can track down my assistant Heather in the Facebook Group.--playing cards at website: the please mention Unfound at all true crime websites and forums. Thank you
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Alicia Bernice Markovich was a 15 year old from Windber, PA. She was a spunky girl who had just joined her high school’s track team. On April 26, 1987, while at her father’s house in Blairsville, Alicia and he got into an argument. Alicia stormed off into the neighborhood. She was never seen again.Facebook: Project: Analysis:1bba-11ec-b4aa-23138c5a36b6.htmlIf"> you have any information regarding the disappearance of Alicia Markovich, please contact the Pennsylvania State Police at (724) 357-1960.Unfound supports accounts on Pandora, Audible, Podomatic, iTunes, Spotify, iHeart, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Deezer, and YouTube.--speaking of YouTube, on Wednesday nights at 9pm ET, please join us for the Unfound Live Show. All of you can talk with me and I can answer your questions.--Contribute to Unfound at can also contribute at Paypal: also need to give a shout out to all the people who have monetarily contributed usingSuperChat during the Live Show on Wednesday nights.--thank you for watching and thank you for donating.--the email address: books at in both ebook and print form.--do not forget the reviews.--shirts at you can track down my assistant Heather in the Facebook Group.--playing cards at website: the please mention Unfound at all true crime websites and forums. Thank you
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Leanne Marie Hausberg was a 14 year old from Brooklyn, NY. She was Native American and had two younger twin sisters. On March 18, 1999, Leanne left for school as she usually did. That afternoon, she didn’t return home. Her parents eventually determined Leanne never reached school that day. She was never seen again.Website:https://www.leannehausberg.orgCharley Project: Map Analysis: you have any information regarding the disappearance of Leanne Hausberg, please contact the New York Police Department at 212-473-2042.Unfound supports accounts on Pandora, Audible, Podomatic, iTunes, Spotify, iHeart, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Deezer, and YouTube.--speaking of YouTube, on Wednesday nights at 9pm ET, please join us for the Unfound Live Show. All of you can talk with me and I can answer your questions.--Contribute to Unfound at can also contribute at Paypal: also need to give a shout out to all the people who have monetarily contributed usingSuperChat during the Live Show on Wednesday nights.--thank you for watching and thank you for donating.--the email address: books at in both ebook and print form.--do not forget the reviews.--shirts at you can track down my assistant Heather in the Facebook Group.--playing cards at website: the please mention Unfound at all true crime websites and forums. Thank you
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On Oct. 14, 2019, I interviewed Steve Pankey, a person of interest in the 1984 disappearance and murder of Jonelle Matthews. In October 2020, Steve was officially charged with Jonelle’s death. And just within the last few days, Steve’s trial started. Today, we revisit that original 2019 interview. Trial TV Coverage:https://www.courttv.comLocal Media Coverage:https://www.greeleytribune.comUnfound supports accounts on Pandora, Audible, Podomatic, iTunes, Spotify, iHeart, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Deezer, and YouTube.--speaking of YouTube, on Wednesday nights at 9pm ET, please join us for the Unfound Live Show. All of you can talk with me and I can answer your questions.--Contribute to Unfound at can also contribute at Paypal: also need to give a shout out to all the people who have monetarily contributed usingSuperChat during the Live Show on Wednesday nights.--thank you for watching and thank you for donating.--the email address: books at in both ebook and print form.--do not forget the reviews.--shirts at you can track down my assistant Heather in the Facebook Group.--playing cards at website: the please mention Unfound at all true crime websites and forums. Thank you
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On October 14, 2019, I interview Steve Pankey, a person of interest in the 1984 disappearance and murder of Jonelle Matthews. In October 2020, Steve was officially charged with Jonelle’s death. And just within the last few days, Steve’s trial started. Today, we revisit that original 2019 interview.
Trial TV Coverage:
Local Media Coverage:
Unfound supports accounts on Pandora, Audible, Podomatic, iTunes, Spotify, iHeart, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Deezer, and YouTube.
--speaking of YouTube, on Wednesday nights at 9pm ET, please join us for the Unfound Live Show. All of you can talk with me and I can answer your questions.
--Contribute to Unfound at
--You can also contribute at Paypal:
--I also need to give a shout out to all the people who have monetarily contributed using
SuperChat during the Live Show on Wednesday nights.
--thank you for watching and thank you for donating.
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--The books at in both ebook and print form.
--do not forget the reviews.
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--or you can track down my assistant Heather in the Facebook Group.
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--And please mention Unfound at all true crime websites and forums.
Thank you
Ashley Simpson was a 32 year old from St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada. She had once worked at a gold mine and had a tattoo that said Gypsy. On April 27, 2016, Ashley and the man she was living with got into an argument in Salmon Arm, British Columbia after going on a trip for the day. The man says Ashley picked up her things and walked off. She was never seen again.Article: Map analysis video: you have any information regarding the disappearance of Ashley Simpson, please contact the RCMP's Southeast District Major Crime Unit Information Line at 1-877-987-8477.Unfound supports accounts on Pandora, Audible, Podomatic, iTunes, Spotify, iHeart, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Deezer, and YouTube.--speaking of YouTube, on Wednesday nights at 9pm ET, please join us for the Unfound Live Show. All of you can talk with me and I can answer your questions.--Contribute to Unfound at can also contribute at Paypal: also need to give a shout out to all the people who have monetarily contributed usingSuperChat during the Live Show on Wednesday nights.--thank you for watching and thank you for donating.--the email address: books at in both ebook and print form.--do not forget the reviews.--shirts at you can track down my assistant Heather in the Facebook Group.--playing cards at website: the please mention Unfound at all true crime websites and forums. Thank you
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Ashley Simpson was a 32 year old from St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada. She had once worked at a gold mine and had a tattoo that said Gypsy. On April 27, 2016, Ashley and the man she was living with got into an argument in Salmon Arm, British Columbia after going on a trip for the day. The man says Ashley picked up her things and walked off. She was never seen again.
YouTube Map analysis video:
If you have any information regarding the disappearance of Ashley Simpson, please contact the RCMP's Southeast District Major Crime Unit Information Line at 1-877-987-8477.
Unfound supports accounts on Pandora, Audible, Podomatic, iTunes, Spotify, iHeart, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Deezer, and YouTube.
--speaking of YouTube, on Wednesday nights at 9pm ET, please join us for the Unfound Live Show. All of you can talk with me and I can answer your questions.
--Contribute to Unfound at
--You can also contribute at Paypal:
--I also need to give a shout out to all the people who have monetarily contributed using
SuperChat during the Live Show on Wednesday nights.
--thank you for watching and thank you for donating.
--the email address:
--The books at in both ebook and print form.
--do not forget the reviews.
--shirts at
--or you can track down my assistant Heather in the Facebook Group.
--playing cards at
--the website: the
--And please mention Unfound at all true crime websites and forums.
Thank you
Kevin Nguyen was a 25 year old from Fort Wayne, IN. He was a college student and avid gamer. In the early morning of Dec. 9, 2018, Kevin got kicked out of a bar after acting strangely and getting into fights with the bouncers allegedly. Kevin was then seen on video walking in the direction of his house. He was never seen again.Facebook: Project: Map Analysis: you have any information regarding the disappearance of Kevin Nguyen, please contact the Fort Wayne Police Department at (260) 427-1201.Unfound supports accounts on Pandora, Audible, Podomatic, iTunes, Spotify, iHeart, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Deezer, and YouTube.--speaking of YouTube, on Wednesday nights at 9pm ET, please join us for the Unfound Live Show. All of you can talk with me and I can answer your questions.--Contribute to Unfound at can also contribute at Paypal: also need to give a shout out to all the people who have monetarily contributed usingSuperChat during the Live Show on Wednesday nights.--thank you for watching and thank you for donating.--the email address: books at in both ebook and print form.--do not forget the reviews.--shirts at you can track down my assistant Heather in the Facebook Group.--playing cards at website: the please mention Unfound at all true crime websites and forums. Thank you
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Nicholas Harley Shinn was an 18 year old from Ripley, WV. He had an older brother and was named after his aunt. During the day of June 25, 2003, Nicholas was at an apartment hanging out with friends, although he had had a run-in with a guy there a couple years before. The group said Nicholas walked off. He was never seen again.Facebook: Project: Map Analysis: Page for Nicholas Shinn: you have any information regarding the disappearance of Nicholas Shinn, please contact the Ripley Police Department at (304) 372-4711.Unfound supports accounts on Pandora, Audible, Podomatic, iTunes, Spotify, iHeart, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Deezer, and YouTube.--speaking of YouTube, on Wednesday nights at 9pm ET, please join us for the Unfound Live Show. All of you can talk with me and I can answer your questions.--Contribute to Unfound at can also contribute at Paypal: also need to give a shout out to all the people who have monetarily contributed usingSuperChat during the Live Show on Wednesday nights.--thank you for watching and thank you for donating.--the email address: books at in both ebook and print form.--do not forget the reviews.--shirts at you can track down my assistant Heather in the Facebook Group.--playing cards at website: the please mention Unfound at all true crime websites and forums. Thank you
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