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Thoughts & Prayers: Sabbath Habits
Publisher |
YEA Networks
Media Type |
Categories Via RSS |
Religion & Spirituality
Publication Date |
Feb 27, 2023
Episode Duration |
"The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath." - Jesus in Mark 2:27. Many Christians in the West have lost the Jewishness of our worldview due to being removed by time and physical proximity to the Holy Land. But what if we rediscovered the "why" behind some of the most ancient disciplines of our faith? How might that help us rekindle family time and healthy rhythms? You don't even need to make it a religious or spiritual experience to see the fruit that can be borne out of practicing healthy sabbath habits. We are cautious to not become legalistic or hyper-spiritualized in this discipline, but rather, see it as a way to reorder our priorities. So many of us put rhythms to our work, play, outings, etc., so why not have that same intentionality with our rest? Today, we share some practical things we do to make memories with our family during our Sabbath.

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