The worst cable company in the world, traveling with Google Fi, using Truphone with an Apple Watch, Chrome OS Flex, peripherals to use with a Mac Mini, repairing a cracked iPhone SE, preparing for a full-scale cyberattack in the U.S., safely and completely erasing a hard drive, upgrading to a new Nokia phone, finding Hobo Shoestring, troubleshooting email search, mirroring an iPhone to an iPad, the benefits of tap-to-pay systems, and syncing edits across photo storage services. Plus, conversations with Johnny Jet and Dick Debartolo.
- Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra | Samsung US
- Smartphones - Shop All Android Phones | motorola
- Windows 11 Pro May Soon Require The Internet And an MSA Account During Setup
- Google wants to create new 'Privacy Sandbox' standards for online advertising and browsers (Update: Proposed timeline)
- FCC Complaints
- The changeover from Verizon to Frontier Communications has been nothing less than disastrous. | Bradenton Herald
- Google Fi - A Phone Plan That Can
- Truphone - eSIM for Apple Watch
- Free Internet Radio & Podcasts - Listen Online | myTuner Radio
- Get Chrome OS Flex for PC or Mac - Chrome Enterprise
- Buy the Customizable Microsoft Pro IntelliMouse - Microsoft Store
- Quick Look: Google Chrome OS Flex
- Three new Macs appear in Eurasian Economic Database ahead of rumored March special event | The Apple Post
- iPhone SE 2020 Repair - iFixit
- iPhone Screen Repair & Replacement - Official Apple Support
- Awesome: Alaska Airlines Launches First-Ever Flight Subscription Service -
- Jack Sweeney (@JxckSweeney) / Twitter
- Elon Musk's Jet (@ElonJet) / Twitter
- Data Removal: Darik's Boot and Nuke - DBAN
- (PDF) Remembrance of data passed: A study of disk sanitization practices
- Tracfone Blog: How To Prepare Your Phone For Your Next Vacation
- Hobo Shoestring - YouTube
- [SOLVED] Windows 11 Search Not Working - TechZone Online
- SmugMug: Protect, Share, Store, and Sell Your Photos
- Whoa! Most Outlets I Ever Saw On A Power Strip! | Giz Wiz Biz
Host: Leo Laporte
Guests: Johnny Jet and Dick DeBartolo
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