This may be the last episode of the MMA Depressed-us for a few weeks if the UFC actually pulls off its plan to start hosting events again starting with next weekend’s UFC 249 card. So, with a return to fight events in sight, we’ve decided to put together another very special episode. And what could be more special than watching one of the most accurate MMA movies ever (yeah, the bar is that low).
Never Back Down 2: The Beatdown features tons of the kind of casual bro-culture that plagues the mixed martial arts ecosystem. All wrapped up with lots of nonsense training, questionable ethics, and moral conservatism. Plus a core message that nerdy guys are actually incredibly evil and jocks need to beat them into submission. It’s basically captured the essence of our carnival sport perfectly. And now you can experience it along with us.
The best way to follow along is to rent the movie via YouTube and just start at the beginning when Zane says “go.” Otherwise, if you actually own this movie on DVD or something, we started just with the opening “Stage 6” floating silver cube logo fade in.
Be sure to follow Zane on twitter @TheZaneSimon, follow Connor, @BoxingBusch, follow Phil @EvilGregJackson, and follow @BloodyElbow for all the latest in MMA happenings. If you enjoyed our show, "heart" us here on SC, or give us a “like”, share & subscribe over on one of our other BE Presents Podcast Channels:
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