Welcome to The Chopping Block! Crypto insiders Haseeb Qureshi, Tom Schmidt, and Robert Leshner chop it up about the latest news in the digital asset industry. In this episode, Hasu, the gourmand of governance and Rune Christensen, chief mischief maker at MKR, discuss how to manage a DAO, their respective visions for MakerDAO, and much more.
Show topics:
What MakerDAO is, how DAI works and whether it is the “central bank” of DeFi
How the visions for MakerDAO of Hasu and Rune differ
Whether Maker should only hold highly liquid collateral assets
Hasu’s mental model of DAI as eurodollars
The role of real-world assets in backing DAI
What the purpose of a DAO is and how it differs from a legal entity
Whether people behave in their purest form within a DAO
How DAI can create positive externalities and make a better world
How crypto holders are not only in it for the money but also for the philosophy
What the “decentralized stablecoin trilemma” is
Whether there’s a need for dollar-denominated collateral for DAI to work
What “clean money” is according to Rune
Why Rune thinks having a single council is not viable due to the political risks and whether the solution is to have multiple councils
How to keep the principal-agent problem in check, according to Hasu
Why Hasu believes council members wouldn’t pursue their own interests and go against the benefit of MKR token holders
Whether a council would be corruptible and the dangers that it entails
What kind of interests should be represented in the council
Whether Maker can create more synthetic assets
The iron law bureaucracy and how it relates to governance
How to design the DAO to be steered in alignment with the token holders
Whether ossification is a feature to be pursued, and where innovation happens
How complexity is very expensive for an organization
Haseeb Qureshi, managing partner at Dragonfly Capital
Tom Schmidt, general partner at Dragonfly Capital
Robert Leshner, founder of Compound
Rune Christensen
Episode Links
Hasu’s governance proposal:
Rune’s proposal - the endgame:
Proposal to add a lending oversight core unit:
Previous Coverage of Unchained:
Rune Christensen of MakerDAO Part 1: How to Keep a Crypto-Collateralized Stablecoin Afloat:
Rune Christensen of MakerDAO Part 2: How Dai Stayed at $1 While ETH Crashed From $1,400 to $85:
The Rise of MakerDAO: A Personal Journey:
Real World Assets:
Huntingdon Valley Bank (“HVB”) proposal:
$500 million allocation proposal:
The stablecoin trilemma:
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