In the first story, Amy details the infamous Amityville murders from 1974, as well as a recent update to the story. Ronald DeFeo was arrested for the murder of six family members in their home in Amityville, Long Island, New York. Ronald's story has changed multiple times, sometimes claiming that visions and voices urged him to commit the murders, and other times claiming that one of the victims, 18-year-old Dawn, was the true perpetrator, as well as a variety of other stories. The story caused a media frenzy and birthed multiple films and books using the supernatural angle. Over the decades, the story continues to fascinate and cause
controversy.In the second story, Chris discusses a forgotten American mass murderer, Andrew Kehoe, who killed 45 people, which includes 38 children, after losing reelection as treasurer of the town of Bath Township, Michigan. Andrew worked as a farmer in Michigan until becoming treasurer at the Bath Consolidated School. After a series of failures, losing his reelection and trying to pay his wife's hefty medical bills, Andrew executed a terrifying and deadly plan, the deadliest mass murder in a school in US history. Andrew murdered his wife then rigged his home with explosives. He then detonated various explosives he had placed around the school. When rescuers arrived to help, Andrew drove to the school and detonated his final bomb, his shrapnel-filled truck, killing more people including
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