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Spanish Prepositions – Por vs Para
Publisher |
Molly Martin, MD
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Language Courses
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Language Learning
Publication Date |
Jul 26, 2017
Episode Duration |

Do you know when to use POR vs PARA?Today’s podcast is a quiz on the Spanish prepositions POR y PARA. It kicks off a series of audio lessons that will cover these two prepositions at Continue Reading

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Do you know when to use POR vs PARA? Spanish Grammar Audio Quiz Today's podcast is a quiz on the Spanish prepositions POR y PARA. It kicks off a series of audio lessons that will cover these two prepositions at Audio Quiz 1. Me voy ______ Madrid en Julio. (para) I'm leaving for Madrid in July.2. Este libro es ______ mi hijo. Hoy es su cumpleaños. (para) This book is for my son. It's his birthday today.3. Quiero viajar ______ avión, en lugar de barco. (por) I want to travel by plane, rather than boat.4. Tengo mucho cariño ______ mis hijos. (por) I am very fond of my children.5. Estudio mucho ______ sacar buenas notas. (para) I study a lot to get good grades.6. No lo hice _______ falta de respeto. (por) I didn't do it out of lack of respect.7. Gracias _______ el regalo. (por) Thank you for the gift.8. Ella faltó a clase _____ tener demasiado trabajo. (por) She skipped class because she had too much work.9. Cuando vaya a mi trabajo, voy a pasar ______ la casa de María. (por) When I go to work, I am going to stop by María's house.10. Voy a trabajar ______ Mario, porque hoy está enfermo. (por) I am going to work for Mario, because he is sick today.11. Este podcast es ______ practicar español. (para) This podcast is for practicing Spanish.12. El maestro nos dijo que tenemos que terminar nuestros proyectos _______ el viernes. (para) The teacher told us that we have to complete our projects by Friday.13. Él habla español muy bien ______ ser de los estados unidos. (para) He speaks Spanish very well for being from the United States.14. Él me llama dos o tres veces ____ día. (por) He calls me 2 or 3 times per/a day. Want to learn more? Subscribe to the premium audio lessons at This quiz introduces a series of audio lessons covering the Spanish prepositions, POR y PARA. The first premium audio lesson will cover PARA. Then we'll cover POR. Finally we'll wrap things up with an audio lesson comparing the two prepositions. Therefore, depending on when you listen to this quiz, it will either serve as a preview or a review for the POR vs PARA series at Listen to more free audio lessons covering advanced Spanish grammar. Member? Access the premium series: Prepositions

Do you know when to use POR vs PARA?

150x150.png" alt="" width="150" height="150">Spanish Grammar Audio Quiz

Today’s podcast is a quiz on the Spanish prepositions POR y PARA. It kicks off a series of audio lessons that will cover these two prepositions at

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The post Spanish Prepositions – Por vs Para appeared first on Doc Molly.

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