Labor Day weekend is often summer’s last hurrah – or at least our last chance to participate in those uniquely summer pastimes. So we thought we’d go out with some sun, surf and a nice breeze by exploring another of New Hampshire’s Wild Neighborhoods. And once again we take a tour of great place to visit, but a hard place to eke out a living. There are only a few examples of Maritime Rocky Shores within New Hampshire’s borders, and all are along our seacoast or on the Isles of Shoals. And oddly enough some parts of this neighborhood are a lot like the alpine zone we visited a while back: pretty inhospitable, especially the islands. They get hit pretty hard by relentless wind, crashing ocean waves and salt spray. Our Rocky Shores neighborhood actually contains many distinct marine zones. And, specifically, we want to dig into the Rocky Intertidal Zone, so named because it occupies the area of the shoreline between high tide and low tide. “Tides are the changing of the earth’s sea-levels
Labor Day weekend is often summer’s last hurrah – or at least our last chance to participate in those uniquely summer pastimes. So we thought we’d go out with some sun, surf and a nice breeze by exploring another of New Hampshire’s Wild Neighborhoods. And once again we take a tour of great place to visit, but a hard place to eke out a living. There are only a few examples of Maritime Rocky Shores within New Hampshire’s borders, and all are along our seacoast or on the Isles of Shoals. And oddly