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S3E37: White or Whatever
Podcast |
The Brunch
Publisher |
The OAM Network
Media Type |
Podknife tags |
Society & Culture
Categories Via RSS |
Publication Date |
Oct 30, 2018
Episode Duration |
Oof, tensions rise as The Brunch talk climate change,  Kanye, Bradley Cooper’s directorial debut ‘A Star is Born’ and so much  <a target=more.Music: Intro) Sunshine - The StuyvesantsMIA - Drake featuring Bad Bunny7 - Amasa HinesHigh- Young Thug feat. Elt…" src="">

Oof, tensions rise as The Brunch talk climate change, Kanye, Bradley Cooper’s directorial debut ‘A Star is Born’ and so much more.


Intro) Sunshine - The Stuyvesants

MIA - Drake featuring Bad Bunny

7 - Amasa Hines

High- Young Thug feat. Elton John


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