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Films on Trial
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Films on Trial
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TV & Film
Publication Date |
Apr 15, 2018
Episode Duration |
The recently released Rampage is on trial this week. Gav is defending his hero Dwayne Johnson, and trying to get this film a place on the Hit List, with Alex prosecuting. There's also news about the sad passing of Milos Forman, known for directing One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, and there's a no spoilers mini-review of 'A Quiet Place' by Jon Krazinski. This weeks quiz sets out to test the team on whether a quote is from Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson, Arnold 'The Austrian Oak' Schwarznegger or Freddy Kruger in a quiz titled 'Rock, Paper or Scissors?'. Rampage Special Guest: Ausy.

The recently released Rampage is on trial this week. Gav is defending his hero Dwayne Johnson, and trying to get this film a place on the Hit List, with Alex prosecuting. There's also news about the sad passing of Milos Forman, known for directing One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, and there's a no spoilers mini-review of 'A Quiet Place' by Jon Krazinski.

This weeks quiz sets out to test the team on whether a quote is from Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson, Arnold 'The Austrian Oak' Schwarznegger or Freddy Kruger in a quiz titled 'Rock, Paper or Scissors?'.


Special Guest: Ausy.

Support Films on Trial

The recently released Rampage is on trial this week. Gav is defending his hero Dwayne Johnson, and trying to get this film a place on the Hit List, with Alex prosecuting. There's also news about the sad passing of Milos Forman, known for directing One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, and there's a no spoilers mini-review of 'A Quiet Place' by Jon Krazinski.

This weeks quiz sets out to test the team on whether a quote is from Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson, Arnold 'The Austrian Oak' Schwarznegger or Freddy Kruger in a quiz titled 'Rock, Paper or Scissors?'.


Special Guest: Ausy.

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