In this episode of the Player One Podcast we talk about Super Mario Bros. 2 (the USA version), our 13th Game Club selection. But before that, we discuss some of the other games we played this week, including Song Summoner, Soul Calibur (XBLA), Speed Racer (Wii), Super Monkey Ball (iPhone), Ms. Pac-Man (iPhone), Bomberman (iPhone), Ticket to Ride, Chocobo's Dungeon (Wii), Final Fantasy II (PSP), Guitar Hero On Tour and Beijing Olympics 2008.Thanks for listening! You can leave us a voicemail comment by calling
713-893-8069 or you can send a comment via MP3 to our email address, Don't forget to join our forums if you haven't already!This week's links:
Guitar Hero On Tour: How to Rock OutSuper Mario Bros. 2 commercialSMB2 endingSMB2 Wart fight and ending (SNES version)Doki Doki Panic
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