This week! Our supply of Gregs dwindles down to nothing by the end of the show, but not before we talk about a bunch of different game-related topics. Including: shmups, boss battles, box art, special editions, Canabalt, Meowcenaries, Pac-Man Championship Edition iPhone, Angry Birds, and The Legend of Zelda Spirit Tracks, among others.Own an iPhone/iPod touch? We've got an app for that--the Player One
Podcast player app is available now. Play shows new and old, read show
notes, access the show Twitter, website, email, voicemail line and
more! Plus, you'll be able to access bonus audio and video content
(soon, once we figure out what that is).
Click here to download.Follow us on twitter at for listening! Don't forget to visit our new web site at You can leave us a voicemail by calling
713-893-8069 or you can send a comment via MP3 to our email address,
Don't forget to join our forums if you haven't already!This week's links:
Player One Podcast iPhone AppMushihimesama Futari videoParodiusGradius GaidenPac-Man Championship Edition Xbox run...