On July 26, 2009, Andy Baran, former EGM/EGM/Expert Gamer editor passed away from pancreatic cancer. He was 35 years old. This episode of the podcast is filled with stories about working with and knowing Andy from CJ, Phil and Greg, as well as voicemails from other past colleagues. Thanks again to all who helped contribute to this episode: Terry Minnich, Ken Williams, Dan Hsu, Kraig Kujawa, Dan Leahy, Mark Hain, Jennifer Whitesides Gavigan, Crispin Boyer, Chris Baker, David Siller, Jeanne Kim Trais, James Mielke, Joe Funk, Mike Vallas and Tracy Baran.
Andy Baran's 1UP blogEGMs-Andy-Baran.html">Bitmob: RIP EGM's Andy Baran
VGEvo: R.I.P. Andy Baran of EGMThe Early Days of EGM Part 1The Early Days of EGM Part 2Kotaku: EGM Writer Passes AwayMemory-of-Andy-Baran.html">Bitmob: In Memory of Andy Baran
"Double Dragon" by The Minibosses