It's a tangent-filled, thunderstorm of gaming discussion this week. CJ, Phil, Stewy and half an episode of Greg Ford. In this episode we talk about Rhythm Heaven, Grand Theft Auto Chinatown Wars, Noby Noby Boy, DSi Ware, ART STYLE Aquia, PuzzleQuest Galactrix, Flock and probably a couple others in there too. Plus a long, tangent-filled first segment where we talk about a lot of other things. The next generation, digital downloads, etc.Plus, in an upcoming episode we're doing Ys Book I & II for our Game Club. You can find all the information
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This week's links:
CJ's TwitterHalifax Hockey FightThe Room TrailerLion Man Part 1Gymkata: Best Fight Scene EverMr. Show Lie Detector Sketch