This week special guest Anthony Vaughn joins Phil and CJ to talk games, CompuServe, sushi and Back to the Future. Games discussed this week include Mirror's Edge, Left 4 Dead, Fable II, Star Wars The Clone Wars: Lightsaber Duels, Prince of Persia, Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts, Namco Museum Virtual Arcade, Rock Band 2, Meteos Wars, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, LEGO Batman, 1942 Join Strike and Amateur Surgeon.Don't forget to donate to the
Child's Play charity through
Cheap Ass Gamer for a chance to win a prize in their raffle.Thanks for listening! You can leave us a voicemail comment by calling
713-893-8069 or you can send a comment via MP3 to our email address, Don't forget to join our forums if you haven't already!