Sami and Aleen are thrilled to invite devoted DST listener Maggie Doherty into the Betches office to share her personal story. They start with her childhood experience as the “chubby kid” at school, joining Weight Watchers at a young age, and dealing with the death of a loved one. They discuss the ups and downs of weight loss and how eating is connected with grief. How do we avoid using food as our emotional support system? At 25:00 they talk about making the plunge to try antidepressants, the threat of gaining weight, and the challenge of weaning off of them. They discuss Maggie’s inspiration for coming on the show and the support of the DST Facebook group. She also talks about being a licensed therapist and gives some tips for dealing with your emotions. They finish the show with some Non Scale Wins, including a great one about this show. And don’t miss out, Sami & Aleen are hosting their first ever Diet Starts Tomorrow LIVE Show! Purchase your tickets to the NYC show now by going to: