Dave Stachowiak and Bonni Stachowiak talk about navigating insecurity in teaching on episode 490 of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast.
Quotes from the episode
20 years later and I still run into nervousness. The intensity and the kind of nervousness is different, and it often comes up in unsuspecting ways.
-Dave Stachowiak
How can you open the first 10 seconds of a class to capture attention, tell a story, and engage participants?
-Dave Stachowiak
I always have a something in my back pocket, either literally or figuratively.
-Dave Stachowiak
You Don’t Have to Wait for the Clock to Strike to Start Teaching, by Peter Newbury
Episode 6: The 8 second rule
Episode 197: Interactivity and Inclusivity Can Help Close the Achievement Gap with Viji Sathy & Kelly Hogan
Episode 425: Inclusive Teaching with Viji Sathy & Kelly Hogan
Episode 475: Making Space for Emergence with Mia Zamora
Quizlet Live
Exit ticket
Muddiest point
Episode 324: Teaching Effectively with Zoom with Dan Levi
Teaching Effectively with Zoom Book
Maha Bali
Dave Stachowiak and Bonni Stachowiak talk about navigating insecurity in teaching on episode 490 of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast.
Quotes from the episode
20 years later and I still run into nervousness. The intensity and the kind of nervousness is different, and it often comes up in unsuspecting ways.
-Dave Stachowiak
How can you open the first 10 seconds of a class to capture attention, tell a story, and engage participants?
-Dave Stachowiak
I always have a something in my back pocket, either literally or figuratively.
-Dave Stachowiak
You Don’t Have to Wait for the Clock to Strike to Start Teaching, by Peter Newbury
Episode 6: The 8 second rule
Episode 197: Interactivity and Inclusivity Can Help Close the Achievement Gap with Viji Sathy & Kelly Hogan
Episode 425: Inclusive Teaching with Viji Sathy & Kelly Hogan
Episode 475: Making Space for Emergence with Mia Zamora
Quizlet Live
Exit ticket
Muddiest point
Episode 324: Teaching Effectively with Zoom with Dan Levi
Teaching Effectively with Zoom Book
Maha Bali
Dave Stachowiak and Bonni Stachowiak talk about navigating insecurity in teaching on episode 490 of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast.
Quotes from the episode
1.png" alt="20 years later and I still run into nervousness. The intensity and the kind of nervousness is different, and it often comes up in unsuspecting ways. " width="930" height="620">
20 years later and I still run into nervousness. The intensity and the kind of nervousness is different, and it often comes up in unsuspecting ways.
-Dave Stachowiak
How can you open the first 10 seconds of a class to capture attention, tell a story, and engage participants?
-Dave Stachowiak
I always have a something in my back pocket, either literally or figuratively.
-Dave Stachowiak