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198 - My Entire Family Is Dead: Managing Grief w/ David Garner
Podcast |
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Podknife tags |
Mental Health
Categories Via RSS |
Society & Culture
Publication Date |
Jul 08, 2019
Episode Duration |

When David was 12 years old he grew up very quickly. Trauma can do that to an individual. And boy oh boy David is no stranger to trauma.  Over the span of only several years his father, his older brother and his mother all died leaving him with no family. But David didn't let these circumstances get the best of him. "Shaped by our past, defined by our decisions" - Words that are tattooed on his mindset. David has taken his life story and is using it to cultivate change in others. Now working as a life coach and grief counsellor David is making the most out of the cards he's been dealt.


If you'd like to reach out to David you can find his work here - 

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