It's already been a busy year for marijuana-related bills in several states, including South Carolina, Hawaii, Tennessee, and Alabama. Chances are, you either live in a state that already has medical marijuana laws, or soon will. There's a lot to know about what legal medical cannabis could mean for you. So this episode, our friendly neighborhood cannabis specialist Dr. Peter Grinspoon is answering some of our listener’s questions about medical marijuana and cannabis research. Brit asks audience questions about the difference between inhaling, edibles, and cannabis tincture, how to dose marijuana without getting too high, how THC and CBD could interact with prescription medications, and what we know about THC-8. Follow us on Instagram @differentleaf and @britthebritish, and on Twitter @different_leaf and @britthebritishCheck out for issues of Different Lead the magazine. Produced by Andrea Muraskin and Brit Smith, music by Homebody.