Joyce welcomes Kate Wadsworth, public relations and aftercare manager, for Light of Life Rescue Mission, in Pittsburgh, PA. Founded in 1952, the Mission was known as Harbor of Hope Rescue Mission where it served as a refuge for transient men. Today, Light of Life Rescue Mission, has 3 main services that they provide. The Women and Children’s Program embraces single mothers and their children whose lives have been ravaged by homelessness, addiction and abusive relationships; whether paralyzed by the grip of addiction, poverty, mental health issues or any combination of these, homeless men find hope in the Men's Residential Program; Light of Life’s Samaritan Ministries provide critical points of entry for the poor, homeless and addicted seeking help for immediate needs. Ms. Wadsworth will be talking about these programs and services in depth and sharing how listeners can provide assistance.
Joyce welcomes Kate Wadsworth, public relations and aftercare manager, for Light of Life Rescue Mission, in Pittsburgh, PA. Founded in 1952, the Mission was known as Harbor of Hope Rescue Mission where it served as a refuge for transient men.