Hey Team, welcome back to another episode of the Epic Table podcast! Today we are joined by Jordan Mazur, M.S, RD, Coordinator of Performance Nutrition for the San Francisco 49ers. Today we chat all about Jordan's journey from university to present day, and he stresses the importance of pursuing what you love and loving what you do. We talk about performance nutrition, the importance of maintaining a healthy gut, and we touch on health trends in the world of nutrition. If you are someone who aspires to become a dietitian or would like to know about the field, Jordan has a wealth of knowledge and is truly passionate about what he does, tune into this
one.Other topics we discuss...What is the role of a dietitian? A Day in the life of a
dietitian.How do dietitians make meal plans?How do dietitians source their food? What is sustainable food sourcing?Jordan touches on how NFL players recover so fast and How dietitians help NFL players with recover after
injury.What does the blood tell us about our biochemistry? Are blood tests a good indicator of health?The Gut micro-biome, How can you improve your gut
health.What do stool sample tests tell us about our gut
microbiome.What is magnesium? What foods are high in magnesium?ResourcesInstagram @JordanMazur (
https://www.instagram.com/jordanmazur/)Twitter @FuelCoachRD (
https://twitter.com/FuelCoachRD )