After a news week that’s felt more like a news month, Matt Thompson sits down with two experienced editors to ask how people manage to make and consume news in today’s environment. Adrienne LaFrance is the editor of Franklin Foer is a national correspondent for The Atlantic and the author of World Without Mind.
- “The Death of the Public Square” (Franklin Foer, July 6, 2018)
- “The Most Powerful Publishers in the World Don’t Give a Damn” (Adrienne LaFrance, August 8, 2018)
- “Mark Zuckerberg Doesn’t Understand Journalism” (Adrienne LaFrance, May 1, 2018)
- “The Era of Fake Video Begins” (Franklin Foer, May 2018 Issue)
- “When Silicon Valley Took Over Journalism” (Franklin Foer, September 2017 Issue)
- “It’s Time to Regulate the Internet” (Franklin Foer, March 21, 2018)
- “Social Media in 1857” (Adrienne LaFrance, November 1, 2017)
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