I Had Two Vaginas
Podcast |
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Podknife tags |
Mental Health
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Society & Culture
Publication Date |
Jan 22, 2018
Episode Duration |
This week on Sickboy Podcast we have a very special episode! A Sickboy/Turn Me On collaboration! Jer, Bri, Tay and Bryde of Turn Me On Podcast sit down with Lesley to talk about her experience in living with two vagina's and two uterus's?! The fellas are already confused by how the plumbing normally works down there... double down on the amount of cervixes, uteruses, fallopian tubes and ovaries all inside one human body and they are a lost cause. How many tampons does one need? Can you get pregnant on both sides? Is it double the pleasure? Many of these questions answered and more. Don't miss out. Thanks to Bryde from Turn Me On podcast popping by to help keep the fellas in line. Check out Turn Me On over on iTunes or at turnmeonpodcast.com - https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/turn-me-on/id1200938612?mt=2

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