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How Deep Is The Unrest In The Liberal Party?
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Publication Date |
Nov 03, 2023
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It's been a disastrous week for the Liberals and equally so for Justin Trudeau. How deep does the problem go, and what may happen as a consequence?  Some things that were held private are not being hidden anymore.  What happens now? Bruce and Chantal are here to give their thoughts.

It's been a disastrous week for the Liberals and equally so for Justin Trudeau. How deep does the problem go, and what may happen as a consequence?  Some things that were held private are not being hidden anymore.

It's been a disastrous week for the Liberals and equally so for Justin Trudeau. How deep does the problem go, and what may happen as a consequence?  Some things that were held private are not being hidden anymore.  What happens now? Bruce and Chantal are here to give their thoughts.

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