SunEp025 - Growth
First we look at what growth is and terms related to growth.
Growth takes time and the changes can be uncomfortable.
We and others around us may also have expectations related to growth.
And we require the right growing conditions.
What are some examples of growth you notice in nature?
Listen to this episode, and then check in with yourself and your journey of growth.
Hello and welcome to the Sunshine & PowerCuts podcast.My name is Heather and I am your host on this journey of empowerment.
This podcast features two types of episodes which alternate.
Sunshine ones like this one offer inspiration drawn from nature,
and the PowerCut episodes are where I share insights into my life living off the power grid.
Embark on a journey empowered by nature, then continue the conversation as part of the Sunshine & PowerCuts Community
From this Episode:
In previous episodes we have looked at some of the conditions for growth -
SunEp024 - Rest
SunEp022 - Movement
SunEp021 - Nourishment
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