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From Severed Spine to Paralympic Hero w/ Josh Dueck
Podcast |
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Mental Health
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Society & Culture
Publication Date |
Dec 19, 2016
Episode Duration |
Almost 13 years ago Josh Dueck, world class skier, over shot a front flip off a massive jump. He crash landed, severing his spinal column and rendering him a paraplegic without feeling from the pelvis down, never to walk again. Fast forward to present day and the first question Brian asks is “does your dick still work?”. Nice one Brian… Real nice. Although to give him credit it opened the doors for a conversation that went deep down to a level that most of us rarely have the pleasure of experiencing with someone we’ve only just met. A no holds barred fully open dialogue about the ups and downs of life from a chair. This is an incredibly special episode and we are forever grateful to have had the opportunity to shoot the sh*t with Josh. ***We need your help! We’re just on the cusp of securing some sponsers! Help us turn this from a labour of love to a labour of being paid like a real grown up. Take 2 minutes of your day to fill out a SUPER simple survey over at:*** As always this wouldn't be possible if it wasn't for our amazing listeners. We rely on you to keep this project going! If you'd like to add to that please consider supporting us on Patreon Theme music provided by the babes over at Take Part. If you dig it check them out on Bandcamp! Shout out to @Sp00nfed for the post work Like us on Facebook Follow us on Instagram Make love to us on Twitter

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