Award winning Playwright, Nambi E. Kelley, joins America's Podcaster, Kurt Caceres, for one last walk backstage and her journey as a writer for stage and screen. She shares her intense daily process writing multiple projects and says she doesn't have the luxury to wait for inspiration to write, she has to clock in everyday like a full time job. Having been approached by numerous legendary novelists to adapt their books into plays, she tells us what it's like working directly with the author and how much freedom and creative flexibility she gets to create new characters, new ideas and fresh perspective. It's always a collaborative effort and she welcomes the cohesive experience. Finally, she breaks down the future of Theater on the stage. From Broadway to small black boxes in the smallest cities in America, the writers and actors are still creating magical work, but the audience has changed. Theater has survived for thousands of years, but has it finally taken it's final breath? XXPlease Follow and Subscribe to the Podcast. Email anytime to