Episode 86: Betrayal at House on the Hill part 1
Publisher |
The OAM Network
Media Type |
Podknife tags |
Board Games
Categories Via RSS
Publication Date |
Mar 03, 2016
Episode Duration |
SPECIAL EPISODE ALERT! EXTRA EXTRA! On the first of our two part series playing the game Betrayal at the House on the Haunted Hill we meet our guests Alexandria Perel-Sams and Brandon Perel-Sams. No relation. Haha. That was a joke, They are related. How gullible are you? Anyway check out this super fun episode as we find ourselves investigating a house on a haunted hill. Maybe someone will be betrayed.  Help support this podcast and start your FREE Audible trial today @ <a target=audibletrial.com/oam" src="https://static1.squarespace.com/static/544b0123e4b0f2ea4e15ce32/t/56d88dcf2b8dde72910ea554/1457032664323/?format=1000w">

SPECIAL EPISODE ALERT! EXTRA EXTRA! On the first of our two part series playing the game Betrayal at the House on the Haunted Hill we meet our guests Alexandria Perel-Sams and Brandon Perel-Sams. No relation. Haha. That was a joke, They are related. How gullible are you? Anyway check out this super fun episode as we find ourselves investigating a house on a haunted hill. Maybe someone will be betrayed. 

Help support this podcast and start your FREE Audible trial today @ audibletrial.com/oam

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