It's a very special week at Can We Cult!This week we interview Debbie and Laura with I Got The Hell Out, a podcast releasing Christmastime 2017 about Debbie’s experience in a terrifying doomsday cult! You can find them on Twitter @wasinacult, Instagram @i_got_the_hell_out Facebook at and online at
18:14 Thanks to Podcast Rewind ! Check them out →
Twitter @podcastrwnd
Instagram @podcastrwd
20:15 -- Shout out to our buddies at Getting Off, the podcast that fans of Law Order SVU have prayed for! These real-life defense attorneys with foul mouths can be found on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher and other podcatcher apps! Follow them on all social media platforms at GettingOffPod!
Don’t forget to subscribe, rate, and leave a review on iTunes for us! Take a picture, a screenshot, etc., and email it to us at, message us on IG @CanWeCult, pop by our Facebook Page at Can We Cult? and leave a post, or tweet at us on Twitter at -- you guessed it -- @CanWeCult! January 1, 2018, we will randomly choose one of you wonderful folk to get a I Am Not A Rajneesh button, as well as some other trinkets, and a card from Allie and MK! Thank you for all the love!