Hey Now Cabalists, the Founders are back for another installment of your favorite 3-hour dose of insubordinate nonsense! Today the gang chats up a bunch of awesome games including Risk: Legacy, The Shores of Tripoli, Dwellings of Eldervale, What Do You Meme?, Survive Escape from Atlantis and Tidal Blades: Heroes of the Reef. Then we jump right into a feature review of Aliens: Another Glorious Day in the Corps from Gale Force Nine. Tony T is on point yet again with the most astounding tabletop gaming news segment in the history of tabletop gaming media and the rest of the guys ruin it by cracking wise and pointing out all the mispronunciations. And the crew wraps up the show with another Short Topic Extravaganza featuring the topics of how to make a top 50 favorite games list, do we keep stats of our plays and do the Founders enjoy new games or old games better. Aliens: Another Glorious Day in the Corps Imperium Overview 01:00:37, Aliens: Another Glorious Day in the Corps Review 01:06:14, News with Tony T 01:33:15, Short Topic Extravaganza 02:18:35
Aliens: Another Glorious Day in the Corps and A Short Topic Extravaganza