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Films on Trial
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Films on Trial
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TV & Film
Publication Date |
Sep 24, 2017
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It's the turn of Dracula to be put on trial! Will Dave drive a stake through its heart or will Joel manage to get it eternal life on the hit list? There's also reaction to the news that J.J. Abrams will be returning to direct Star Wars IX, The Handmaid's Tale's success at the Emmys, that Jamie Lee Curtis is on board for a new Halloween film and the sad passing of Harry Dean Stanton. They'll also be discussing the poster for the new Tomb Raider film and Quiz Dave will be on whether a character is from a vampire movie or Downton Abbey. Downton Abbey or chesty stabby?

It's the turn of Dracula to be put on trial! Will Dave drive a stake through its heart or will Joel manage to get it eternal life on the hit list? There's also reaction to the news that J.J. Abrams will be returning to direct Star Wars IX, The Handmaid's Tale's success at the Emmys, that Jamie Lee Curtis is on board for a new Halloween film and the sad passing of Harry Dean Stanton. They'll also be discussing the poster for the new Tomb Raider film and Quiz Dave will be on whether a character is from a vampire movie or Downton Abbey. Downton Abbey or chesty stabby?

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It's the turn of Dracula to be put on trial! Will Dave drive a stake through its heart or will Joel manage to get it eternal life on the hit list? There's also reaction to the news that J.J. Abrams will be returning to direct Star Wars IX, The Handmaid's Tale's success at the Emmys, that Jamie Lee Curtis is on board for a new Halloween film and the sad passing of Harry Dean Stanton. They'll also be discussing the poster for the new Tomb Raider film and Quiz Dave will be on whether a character is from a vampire movie or Downton Abbey. Downton Abbey or chesty stabby?

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