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Ep 515: AI And The Future Of Talent Acquisition
Publisher |
Evergreen Podcasts
Media Type |
Categories Via RSS |
Business News
Publication Date |
Apr 20, 2023
Episode Duration |
The public launch of ChatGPT continues to drive enormous levels of hype about the impact of AI on life, the universe and everything. So what are the implications of generative AI on talent acquisition, how will it shape the development of recruiting technology, and what will candidates think of the changing balance between humans and machines in recruiting? My guest this week is the perfect person to give us some answers. Adam Godson is Chief Product Officer at Paradox, and his unique combination of experience in the industry means he has a deep understanding of the potential of AI and the likely future direction of talent acquisition. In the interview, we discuss: The current state of the market The difference between Generative AI and Conversational AI What changes will generative AI drive in recruiting technology? Why is there a rush of Large Language Models coming to the market at the same time? Decisions, Communication, and Automation Enriching interactive conversations Time reduction What is the art of the possible with personalization? The implications of "quick apply" on employer brand communication Polarising messages Calibration by the candidate reaction to AI What will the next two years look like, and where is technology heading next Listen to this episode in Apple Podcasts.

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