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Ep 513: Building Connection In A Hybrid World
Publisher |
Evergreen Podcasts
Media Type |
Categories Via RSS |
Business News
Publication Date |
Apr 14, 2023
Episode Duration |
One of the biggest challenges of remote and hybrid working is the lack of face-to-face connection that humans need to be fully engaged and productive. This is always one of the main arguments for employers attempting to return their workers to the office. However, the advantages of remote and hybrid working are considerable, and forcing people to work five days a week back in an office isn't necessarily the best way of dealing with the challenges. So what can employers do to foster a sense of connection, belonging, and engagement and provide the scaffolding for high-performing teams? My guest this week is Sophie Bailey, Co-Founder and CEO of Worktripp. Worktripp is an Airbnb for business offsites, and Sophie has some hugely valuable insights to share on supercharging connection, creativity, and culture. In the interview, we discuss: The importance of face-to-face connection The consequences and cost of disengagement Why returning to the office isn't the answer Bringing people together in a memorable way Offsites to increase retention and drive creative ideation Which companies do this well, and how do they do it The importance of environment Designing an effective offsite and why you shouldn't start with logistics Long term planning to develop connection What does the future of work look like? Subscribe to this podcast in Apple Podcasts

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