This episode we are thankful to have a HUGE sit down chat with the genetic consultant Ryan Lee of Chimera Genetics for a WHOOPING 6 hour chat - spread over 3 episodes. We delve into cannabis breeding, history, clone only's, his work doing genetic consulting, SAM the Skunk man, cannabis Nomenclature and so so much more.
I hope your ready for a fantastic couple of episodes and as always a huge thank you to our amazing sponsors
Seeds Here Now - Best in the business in the game, head on over now to - to score your seeds today!
Koppert Biological Systems - Check out Koppert Biological Systems, they are based all over the place and have amazing beneficial predators that will help keep your gardens pests under control. They also stock a great range of microbial products designed to fight off those nasty soil borne diseases & more!
Organic Gardening Solutions - Best in the organics game down under. Hit them up for the highest quality amendments and soil.
BIG LOVE to our friends at Top Shelf Seed Bank & Dragonfly Earth Medicine ! ( +
Finally, our patreon fans ( is the major lifeblood of the show and it COULDN'T happen without them. please consider subscribing!