Questions This Week:
- I’ve got a conviction on my record. How can I possibly get an opportunity?
- I recently stepped out of doing ministry in the church, and I still feel some sort of guilt about it.
- Currently, I am approximately $260,000 in debt. I’m struggling in determining where to start and would love some advice and direction.
Plus good news and great stories on how 48 Days To the Work You Love is working for you. We are all called to ministry — some as engineers, construction workers, bankers, authors, speakers or coaches. Those are equally sacred opportunities for ministry.
Cliff Feightner poem:
Now is a time to changeDo not think of it as strangeYou need to adaptYou cannot be trappedIt’s anytime that you can rearrange
The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.” Frederick Buechner
Show Notes:
Episode – 08-25-17 Title: N/A Subtitle: N/A
In this episode, Dan addresses issues surrounding finding the work you love, and finding time to be a part of your church ministry. While many of think the work we do for the ministry is vastly more important than the work we do as lay people, the reality is they’re equally important—the Bible does not distinguish between secular and sacred work. Listen as Dan paints a clearer picture to help us understand this reality.
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Time Stamped Show Notes:
- 01:20 – Preview of Today’s Show on “Did God call you or are you just wandering?”
- I’ve got a conviction on my record. How can I possibly get an opportunity?
- I recently stepped out of doing ministry in the church and I still feel some sort of guilt about it.
- Currently, I am approximately $260,000 in debt. I’m struggling in determining where to start and would love some advice and direction.
- The Good News
- More questions
- [spp-timestamp time=”02:16″] – The new 48 Days Eagles site – This is the best place for moving your career forward
- 02:19 – A poem from Cliff Feightner
Now is a time to change Do not think of it as strange You need to adapt You cannot be trapped It’s anytime that you can rearrange
- 02:47 – “The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.” – Frederick Buechner
- [spp-timestamp time=”03:44″] – Webinar for next Thursday, August 31st at 7PM CST– Finding the Work You Love – in 48 Days!
- 05:24 – Dan will talk about a systemized process to walk you through finding the work you love
- 07:58 – She took the flight but her luggage – with things necessary for her therapy – had been scheduled to be in the first flight she booked
- 08:17 – She talked to an attendant name Sarah, and she told her about the dilemma
- 08:28 – Sarah searched for the luggage in Pittsburgh until 3:00 am and drove it herself to Stacy’s house with a heartwarming note
- 08:59 – This week, Dan’s 12-year old grandson also flew to Nashville from Colorado
- 09:07 – It was his first flight and attendants were extremely gracious about helping him
- 09:54 – It was a 10-car crash that had people tied up in desperate situations
- 10:02 – The bikers stopped immediately, called 911 and pulled drivers out of damaged vehicles
- 10:26 – They got everybody out including a family in an SUV
- 10:27 – They moved a car out of the way when they had one driver that they couldn’t get out
- 10:37 – Nobody died in the accident
- 11:17 – Teacher Rickee was shocked to find out there were more than a hundred homeless students attending her school
- 11:26 – One student told Rickee that her mom was asking how she could get some food they are donating
- 11:35 – She registered for shoes and backpacks instead of other things in her gift registry
- 12:45 – Her daughter-in-law who was working in the same garden, pulled up a very misshaped carrot that looked like it has a belt
- 12:59 – The ‘belt’ was her mother-in-law’s engagement ring
- 13:56 – Ray talks about his neighbor Dustin who is 18 years old and just graduated high school
- [spp-timestamp time=”14:05″] – Dustin came over to seek help for a resume and Ray encouraged him to read the first 2 chapters of 48 Days to the Work You Love
- 14:16 – Dustin came back and said he has great ideas regarding a small gift card from Starbucks and a handwritten note
- 14:27 – He walked into the job and gave his resume, gift card and note to the receptionist
- 14:34 – When the receptionist looked over everything, she said, “You got this”
- 14:37 – A couple of minutes later Ray got a call from Dustin informing him he got the job
- 15:13 – It’s really easy to set yourself apart from the crowd
- 15:40 – Dan received a mug as a small gift as well
- 16:23 – Josh says, I’ve got a conviction on my record. How can I possibly get an opportunity?
- 17:19 – Dan appreciates your heart in turning around and moving on
- 17:48 – Dan doesn’t believe there’s anything that’s stopping you
- 18:04 – If you want to start your own business, your conviction is not likely to be an issue
- 18:27 – “Your great work is going to open the door for your great success”
- 19:29 – Create a plan for your business and be ready to get in the game
- [spp-timestamp time=”20:33″] – Send your questions to AskDan or
- 20:52 – Tim says, I recently stepped out of doing ministry in the church and I still feel some sort of guilt about it
- 22:31 – Ministry is not confined to people inside the church or nonprofit
- 23:14 – “You can’t do something that’s godly in an effective way if it’s not a fit on how God has gifted you.”
- 23:32 – The Bible does not distinguish secular and sacred work
- 24:12 – “We’re all called for ministry”
- 24:39 – “Therefore I advise no one to enter any religious order or the priesthood, indeed, I advise everyone against it —- unless he is forearmed with this knowledge and understands that the works of monks and priests, however holy and arduous they may be, do not differ one whit in the sight of God from the works of the rustic laborer in the field or the woman going about her household tasks, but that all works are measured before God by faith alone…… Martin Luther, upon noting the practical effect of the elevation of those doing “spiritual work” was that it puffs them up; “it greatly tends to hypocrisy, by reason of its outward show and unusual characters, which engenders conceit and a contempt of the common Christian life.”
- 26:07 – What are those things that make you come alive?
- 26:14 – “The glory of God is man fully alive.” — Saint Irenaeus
- 27:13 – Søren Kierkegaard: “And now, with God’s help, I shall become myself.”
- 27:55 – “When you get to heaven God won’t ask you why you weren’t more like Rick Warren. He may ask you why you weren’t more like you. Get in touch with who you are. Lead with your own unique style. Be yourself and let God use you.” – Brad Johnson
- 28:06 – Don’t try to pretend like you’re somebody else you’re not
- 28:10 – “What a man can be, he must be.” Abraham Maslow
- 28:17 – “A musician must make music, an artist must paint, a poet must write, if he is to be ultimately at peace with himself.” Leonardo da Vinci
- 29:41 – Dan personally misses singing
- [spp-timestamp time=”29:59″] – One of this week’s highlights from Dan: The podcast timestamps are now clickable. Just go to any 48 Days Podcast and click on the timestamp of your interest. You will instantly be taken to that portion of the audio podcast
- 31:30 – “Moving out of ministry in a church don’t feel like moving away from ministry”
- 32:40 – Dan’s blogs that further address this issue of “leaving ministry.”
- 33:41 – Understanding who you are is always the first step
- 33:53 – A note from Jessica, Currently, I am approximately $260,000 in debt. I’m struggling in determining where to start and would love some advice and direction.
- 35:37 – An MBA unfortunately doesn’t put you in an elite category
- 36:23 – Instead of finding an extra job, look for something that can be leveraged
- 37:35 – Start a side business – an income not dependent on time
- 37:53 – Dan previously worked with a lady who had a unique PhD who was frustrated to get leverage
- 38:47 – Positioning yourself online with products that will earn $10/hr will make a big difference
- [spp-timestamp time=”40:05 “]– Dan will also send you the 48 Low or No Cost Business Ideas
- [spp-timestamp time=”40:29″] – Dan also recommends to get into The new 48 Days Eagles site
- 40:43 – Dan shares a couple of ideas you’ll see in the 48 Days Eagles site
- [spp-timestamp time=”42:31 “]– A note from Pierce Marrs says he got a contract for a half-day workshop on creating a good team culture
- 44:01 – Carrie Olson does voice overs that allowed her to be a stay-at-home-mom
- 45:12 – Look at those things – not a job
- [spp-timestamp time=”45:45″] – Don’t forget the webinar for next Thursday, August 31st – Finding the Work You Love – in 48 Days!
- 47:22 – Thank you for being part of this community!
- 47:56 – Dan closes today’s podcast
3 Key Points:
- A ministry is not confined to a church setting – you can be in a different field and still lead a ministry.
- Don’t put yourself in a position where you accumulate debts.
- The fastest way to pay your loans and debts is not getting another job – it’s finding a way to get leverage in a business.
Resources Mentioned:
- Show Notes provided by Mallard Creatives
The post Did God call you or are you just wandering? appeared first on Official Site Dan Miller.