Coupa Cafe
538 Ramona St
Palo Alto, CA 94301
From the United States, to Venezuela, and back to the United States again. With a degree in public health, how did Nancy Coupal start one of the most successful coffee franchises in Silicon Valley? 10 and growing what is it about their coffee that makes die-hard fans? When she asked a friend for business advice, she said, “Just do in Palo Alto what you did in Caracas” How did that work out? World citizen, is how she describes herself. How does she incorporate that, and her Venezuelan history into her coffee business?
This woman began her career at Coupa at the age of 18, she is now 33 and still there! What made her stay? Evolving roles and rising to the challenge. Her love of coffee started early... her parents,at a young age, gave her coffee and bread before bed? After spending time with her ill father in Mexico she learned a very important lesson, one that should apply to all of us. What could you possibly talk about over the phone, three times a day to a person who you seldom talked to before? As a lover of world travel what makes her want to start her next sojourn? Not what you think ...she could start a travel blog based on just this one quest. Javi goes for the best, just like Coupa!
Stay tuned for the next episode, in the 3 part series of Silicon Valley Coffee!
Make sure to check out this week's playlist for Coupa Cafe, on Spotify,to hear musical selections from our guests.
Remember if you have a question,or topic you want us to follow up on from this weeks, or any other episode of the CCCRS,we are happy to try to get that done, in the segment we call Free Refills. Just leave us a message at