This week's full broadcast of Computer Talk Radio includes:
- 00:00 - Nerdy news of the week - FBI, Amazon Fresh, Apple revenue, Samsung, Paramount+
- 11:00 - Listener Q&A - 3 biggest tech fails - Benjamin answers Scott about the 3 biggest tech failures
- 22:00 - Update on usage of Virtual Reality - Keith updates as to his usage and world of virtual reality
- 31:00 - Marty Winston's Wisdom - Post-CES items continue for Marty; charging, insects, robots
- 39:00 - Scam Series - it's not the IRS - Benjamin advises that the IRS will not send you emails or texts
- 44:00 - Keske and virtual doctor visit - Steve and Benjamin discuss the world of virtual doctor visits
- 56:00 - Censorship is still bad - Benjamin talks about censorship of so-called hate speech
- 1:07:00 - Motivation to drive learning - Benjamin has quotes that push and motivate him to learn more
- 1:16:00 - Professional IT Series - 210 - Gina asks what the biggest mistakes IT departments make
- 1:24:00 - Listener Q&A - cell phones in-air - Benjamin answers Mateo about cell phone usage on planes
Computer Talk Radio Broadcast 02-04-2023; Amazon,Samsung, Paramount+; 3 biggest tech failures; virtual reality update; charging, insects, robots; not IRS; virtual doctor visits; hate speech; motivational quotes; biggest mistakes in IT; phones on planes