verb-mgg923.jpg?fit=750%2C750&ssl=1" class="webfeedsFeaturedVisual wp-post-image" alt="Clouding As a Verb — Mac Geek Gab 923 episode image">It's true, we "cloud" things now. It's a thing. On top of that, iCloud Private Relay is also a thing, and it's not necessarily a good one yet. But it's in beta, so give it time. Plex's new Discovery Watchlist is also in beta, with similar results. No worries, your three favorite geeks talk you through all of this and more. Listen as Pilot Pete, John F. Braun, and Dave Hamilton share your quick tips, some Cool Stuff Found, and mostly answer your questions to ensure we all learn five new things from this week's episode. Press play and enjoy!
It's true, we "cloud" things now. It's a thing. On top of that, iCloud Private Relay is also a thing, and it's not necessarily a good one yet. But it's in beta, so give it time. Plex's new Discovery Watchlist is also in beta, with similar results. No worries, your three favorite geeks talk you through all of this and more. Listen as Pilot Pete, John F. Braun, and Dave Hamilton share your quick tips, some Cool Stuff Found, and mostly answer your questions to ensure we all learn five new things from this week's episode. Press play and enjoy!

verb-mgg923.jpg?fit=750%2C750&ssl=1" class="webfeedsFeaturedVisual wp-post-image" alt="Clouding As a Verb — Mac Geek Gab 923 episode image">
It's true, we "cloud" things now. It's a thing. On top of that, iCloud Private Relay is also a thing, and it's not necessarily a good one yet. But it's in beta, so give it time. Plex's new Discovery Watchlist is also in beta, with similar results. No worries, your three favorite geeks talk you through all of this and more. Listen as Pilot Pete, John F. Braun, and Dave Hamilton share your quick tips, some Cool Stuff Found, and mostly answer your questions to ensure we all learn five new things from this week's episode. Press play and enjoy!
Chapters/Timestamps/Stuff mentioned:
- 00:00:00 Mac Geek Gab 923 for Monday, April 11, 2022
- 00:02:46 The MGG Merch Store is Live!
Quick Tips
- 00:03:34 QT-Tame Safari’s IP Address Hiding Safari > Preferences > Privacy > Hide IP address > from Trackers Only
- 00:09:42 Bob-QT-915-Enable “Wake for Network Access” to keep Network Drives from Disconnecting
- 00:11:47 Patrick-QT for Efficient Overcast Listening
- 00:14:55 Removing Umms from Audio Streams
- 00:17:09 QT-Disable AirPods Message Announcements Settings > Notifications > Announce Notifications
- 00:20:57 SPONSOR: Kolide – Got Slack? Got Macs? Get Kolide: Device security that fixes challenging problems by messaging your users on Slack. Try Kolide Today!
- 00:22:34 SPONSOR: BBEdit, the power tool for text from Bare Bones Software, now offers multiple notebooks, a native image viewer, and Shortcuts support!
Printers and More Printers
- 00:24:07 Henrik-Using a PPD and CUPS for a Legacy Printer (and Henrik)
- 00:27:51 Steve-QT-Use CUPS Web Interface to Set Printing Defaults
- 00:31:21 Eddie-Setting Defaults for iPhone-based Printing
- 00:38:07 Bob-New Photos Not Appearing on iMac
- 00:42:22 Syncing Shortcuts
- 00:44:38 Bill-Resuming Photos Update
Plex Manage ALL your media – and SHARE it with friends and family!
Amazon Prime Photos – I know we did not talk about it, but that feature is there to share with a family
- 00:47:15 Is your podcast listening personal or group?
- 00:57:21 SPONSOR: Hunter Douglas – Custom Shades and more. Visit HunterDouglas.com/mgg today for your free Style Gets Smarter design guide.
- 00:58:43 SPONSOR: Trade. The journey to the perfect cup starts with taking Trade’s quiz. Your answer allows Trade to pair you with the perfect coffee to fit your tastes. Get $20 off your first three bags when you go to drinktrade.com/mgg using promo code mgg.
Cool Stuff Found
01:16:55 MGG 922 Outtro