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Chungking Express (1994) and Requiem for a Vampire (1971)
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TV & Film
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Film History
TV & Film
Publication Date |
Jan 10, 2022
Episode Duration |

This episode is for the true cinephiles! We watch Wong Kar-Wai's classic dyad of romance, Chungking Express, and we find that it is the same movie as Jean Rollo's eurotrash vampire orgy film, Requiem for a Vampire. Both of these movies are not for everyone, but we had fun with them! Cloons shooting guns, you love to see it!

We also talk about podcast catchphrases, avant-garde storytelling, and puppies!  LIVE. LAUGH. WOOF.

Find us on Twitter,  Instagram and  Letterboxd  @fromjustin2kane

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Artwork by Josh Holinaty:

Music by Doug Hoyer: 

#fromjustintokane #podcast




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