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Charlie Allen | Youth Pod Episode 10
Publisher |
The Roaring Peacock
Media Type |
Categories Via RSS |
Publication Date |
Mar 11, 2021
Episode Duration |

This week we review the Wolves game and look ahead to Newcastle. Our featured player profile this week is 17 year old Charlie Allen, a signing from Champions League Linfield. Charlie is one of the most promising players in the Academy having turned down offers from all the big 6 clubs to come to Leeds.

GIVEAWAY: Each Month we giveaway an A3 Print of The Adelites artwork, you must be a subscriber on YouTube to win, simply subscribe and comment on any video! Good Luck.

YOUTH POD SQUAD: The Roaring Peacock Youth Pod discusses the Academy, each episode we talk about the previous fixture, the upcoming fixture and we focus on one player in the Academy to highlight. Let us know who you would like to hear about next.

THE ROARING PEACOCK: The Roaring Peacock podcast discusses Leeds United Football Club, 3 average guys, one normal podcast. In a world choc-full of LUFC podcasts, we stand out as being decidedly mediocre. The Roaring Peacock podcast was voted the 675th best Leeds United podcast by a couple of drunk guys at The Duncan.

SOCIALS: You can follow us on twitter (@theroaringpeacock), facebook (@theroaringpeacock), instagram (@theadelites), on your favourite podcast player, on Twitch (TheRoaringPeakoch) but not on the street, don't follow us there, don't do that.

YOUR HOSTS: The Roaring Peacock Youth Pod is: Matty from @LUFCAcademyNews Rob @JuceeRob and Ross @RossBell1984 FOLLOW THE GUYS ON TWITTER

THANKS: Our stats come from @lufcstats, @lufcdata, @FocusOnLeeds and @leedsutdacademy Our music comes from The Light Show @TheLightShow2

Special Thanks to all the Peacocks, Laura Kenny and all our Family and Friends.

Very Special Thanks to: Alex @Riotbadger, Ellie May @ellufc and Tom Sparke @sparkeface for the footage and comic


#Leedsu23s #THEROARINGPEACOCK #LEEDSYOUTHPOD #AmazingYoungLeedsPlayer #Leedsu23sAcademy  #LUTV #LUFC #MOT #LEEDS #LeedsUnited #PremierLeague #bielsa #matchreaction #lufcfanchannel #leedsunited #leedsutd #marcelobielsa #leedsfantv #leedsfanchannel #leedsunitedfanchannel #allleeedstv #lutv #leedsfans #lufcfanzone #footballfanchannels #oneleedsfanchannel #leedsunitedpremierleague #leedsunitedfancontent #premierleague #newfootballfanreaction #MOT #ALAW #WALL #WACCOE #leeds #leedsfans #marchingontogether #allleedsarentwe #leedsaregoingup #championsofeurope #weallloveleeds #weareleeds #glorygloryleedsunited #leedssupporters #leedsunitedsupporters #leedsarefallingapartagain #mightywhites #thepeacocks #superleeds #dirtyleeds #theroaringpeacock #theadelites #youthfootball #youthacademy #lufcacademy #wonderkids #footballwonderkids #leedsyouth #leedsu23s #leedsacademy #PremierLeagueDiv2 #PremierLeague2 #Excitingyoungfootballers

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