Welcome to Feedback with EarBuds, the podcast recommendation podcast.Subscribe to the newsletter here: http://eepurl.com/cIcBuHThis week's theme is Pop Culture Podcasts. Our curator is Takara Small, host of "They Did That," a new show from Somethin Else.Why did she choose this theme?: "I like my pop culture a li'l weird and unusual. These podcasts focus on pop culture, but they go beyond gossipy headlines to tell me what's really happening in the world and don't talk down to me."Sponsor:- On Air Fest's Podcast Experience: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-podcast-experience-tickets-526466223647?aff=EarbudsCollective- Black Podcasters Association: https://blackpodcastersassociation.com/- Vocaster: manage.com/track/click?u=23dcd7a2c6f1281f17223e7b9&id=eefe09c490&e=478935186f">https://twitter.us15.list-manage.com/track/click?u=23dcd7a2c6f1281f17223e7b9&id=eefe09c490&e=478935186fLinks mentioned in this episode: