The lowest oil prices in history thanks to stalled economies in lockdown. A President Elect and a Green New Deal that promises a carbon neutral America in a decade. Governments pledging to make the internal combustion engines illegal within a decade. It seems like the way we have powered our civilization for two plus centuries, using hydrocarbons, is on the way out as we welcome an energy revolution to combat climate change and environmental degradation. Fossil fuel proponents say that this is wildly wishful thinking that doesn’t take into account renewable energy’s infinitesimal contribution to current global demand. Moreover, most green energy is incredibly difficult to store and transit in the ways modern economies need, raising questions about whether hype has replaced common sense about replacing hydrocarbons as our dominant energy source.
Arguing for the motion is Ramez Naam, energy innovation advocate, and Co-chair for Energy and Environment at the Singularity University. He’s also the author of the award winning sci-fi Nexus Trilogy.
Arguing against the motion is Mark Mills, senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute and co-founding partner of Cottonwood Venture Partners, an energy-tech venture fund. He served in the White House Science Office under President Reagan.
Sources: Global, BBC, NBC, MSNBC, AP Archive, CBC, CNBC International, Global Warming Policy Forum
The host of the Munk Debates is Rudyard Griffiths - @rudyardg.
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Editor: Kieran Lynch
Producer: Marilyn Mazurek
Associate Producer: Abhi Raheja