75 - Get A Grip: Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis
Podcast |
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Podknife tags |
Mental Health
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Society & Culture
Publication Date |
Feb 13, 2017
Episode Duration |

What comes to mind when you think about arthritis? Often times it’s elderly people with walkers, dentures, walk in bath tubs and tweed hats. Rarely do we picture a young vibrant party loving 24 year old who spends her time getting’ liquored down at Dooley’s and accidentally “skull f**ing” her boyfriend.  This week the boys sit down with Meghan and talk about the challenges of living with Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis! They touch on everything from her elephant man like knees, to the myth of cracking your knuckles, to elderly women coughing in your face, to the challenges of managing an invisible illness. So sit down, make a tight fist, hold on tight and buckle up… this one is a doozy.

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