47. Easy Running: How it Makes You Faster
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Publication Date |
Mar 12, 2020
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Easy running is difficult for many runners to grasp the concept. Running 2-3 min per mile slower than your 5k race pace can feel very ‘slow’ for runners. It is hard to trust that slowing down is the best way to get faster. There is always an equation of stress + rest = growth. Easy running targets the aerobic system which is the system we want to improve on because it is what is used during 99.9% of the marathon race. We want to make sure we stress the right systems to improve. What if your HR is not high? What if HR is lower on easy days? Tapering or in recovery can I go faster? How many miles per week do elite runners typically run What pace are the bulk of their miles ran at in comparison to their marathon pace? Why is it important to not run too fast on your easy days? What if your marathon pace feels easy? How come it feels like anything from Threshold to recovery pace is ‘easy’? Do you think people often think anything that isn’t using the anaerobic zone is easy? How can you calculate your easy zone? Is there such a thing as going too slow on your easy days? How can you ensure you are going slow enough? How often do you see this as something that holds athletes back from reaching their potential?

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