322: The F Plus Praises!
Podcast |
The F Plus
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The F Plus
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Publication Date |
Apr 20, 2020
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Sourced from all over the internet, we're singing songs of praise and worship (25 of them to be exact) and we expect you to feel our love deep inside you, except not in a sex way this time. This week, The F Plus begins The Upward Spiral.
Sourced from all over the internet, we're singing songs of praise and worship (25 of them to be exact) and we expect you to feel our love deep inside you, except not in a sex way this time. This week, The F Plus begins The Upward Spiral.

with: Boots Raingear   Jack Chick   Isfahan   Adam Bozarth   JW Friedman   Lemon  

reading: answers.yahoo.com

Content provided by SinBucket. Edited by Lemon.

Sourced from all over the internet, we're singing songs of praise and worship (25 of them to be exact) and we expect you to feel our love deep inside you, except not in a sex way this time.

This week, The F Plus begins The Upward Spiral.

Music used:

  1. Portugal. The Man - Modern Jesus
  2. Marilyn Manson - The Fight Song
  3. Stryper - To Hell With The Devil
  4. Zekka - Kill A Rainbow

Chapters provided by Lemon

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