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32: The TV Show
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TV & Film
Publication Date |
Aug 18, 2014
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The TV Show has merged with Review and we're kicking off the new, combined show with Doctor Who series 7! Remy Ferber joins Dave and Rene to talk about So-sorrying Amy Pond, the Impossible Girl, failures of Silence, and the oldest question.

Review is like app or game coverage but for movie series, television shows, comic books, and pop culture. It's great stuff you can watch and enjoy on your iPhone, iPad, or Apple TV! On this week's episode The TV Show has merged with Review and we're kicking off the new, combined show with Doctor Who series 7! Remy Ferber joins Dave and Rene to talk about So-sorrying Amy Pond, the Impossible Girl, failures of Silence, and the oldest question.

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The TV Show has merged with Review and we're kicking off the new, combined show with Doctor Who series 7! Remy Ferber joins Dave and Rene to talk about So-sorrying Amy Pond, the Impossible Girl, failures of Silence, and the oldest question.

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