231: A Drunk Driver Changed My Life w/ Maia Vezina
Podcast |
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Mental Health
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Society & Culture
Publication Date |
Mar 16, 2020
Episode Duration |

This week the boys and their new BFF Maia shake up an entire live audience with a live show for the ages! The fellas play a game of "Afterlife Price Is Right". What would you choose? Cryo with your willy out? Blasted into space? Or sprinkled into a vibrating dildo urn? Maia then takes everyone on a heart-wrenching story of trauma. On June 9th 2013 Maia and her mother were hit by a drunk driver. The accident resulted in years of recovery. Coma, avascular necrosis, scheduled amputation and more. Luckily for the world, Maia and her mother are still here! We hope that their story will make people think twice about getting behind the wheel while intoxicated. 

Upon the day of releasing this episode, Maia has just returned home from a fusion/bone marrow transplant. She is in for a long long road to recovery and could use some positive vibes and love. Go follow her on instagram - @livingnowwithmaia

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