228 | The Best Ways We've Spent Money
Publisher |
Jonathan Goodman
Media Type |
Categories Via RSS |
Health & Fitness
Publication Date |
Jun 03, 2024
Episode Duration |

Being smart with your money isn't just about saving it, but spending it to improve your life.

Whether you have a lot or a little to spend, it can have a big impact if spent wisely.

  • Spending under $100 to remove nagging, daily annoyances in life and business
  • Spending up to $1,000 to improve qualify of life
  • If you had Jeff Bezos money, maximizing the things you value most (and why you don't need to wait to start)


Jon's next book, The Obvious Choice, published by HarperCollins, is now available for preorder on Amazon in Hardcover, Kindle, and Audio. Please preorder your copy today.


FREE GIFT - Get a free copy of the Wealthy Fit Pro's Guide to Getting Clients and Referrals (digital and audio. Sells for $22.99 on Amazon.)

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The Obvious Choice podcast is presented by QuickCoach - free, professional software for fitness and nutrition coaches that elevates the value of what you do. Join 35,000+ coaches and get your account today at www.quickcoach.fit.

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