#210 - Reducing The Risk of the Music Biz
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Bob Bender
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Publication Date |
Apr 13, 2022
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Getting into the music business is not easy. It’s competitive, crowded, and the success of making it a career can be challenging on a good day. Factor in those players who say they can “guarantee” you that success for a fee, and all of a sudden things get really complicated… and potentially expensive without much to show for all of your hard work.

Enter Vinny Ribas, who is the founder and CEO of Indie Connect. He’s recently created a new platform called “Cartne”, which as it develops and evolves, will hopefully take out some of the guesswork of what works, and what doesn’t, and help you avoid the perils and pitfalls of the music industry.

Cartne is a program which once fully operational will provide nearly 100 online videos and courses from some of the top industry experts on what to look for, how to avoid scams, and minimize the mistakes others before you have made in their careers.

Currently in its Beta testing, Ribas is seeking out interested industry leaders, musicians, songwriters, and anyone involved in the music business to share their stories, creating a library of knowledge for those willing to learn more about the right way of doing business… reducing the risk, and taking the mystery out of the music industry.



The Business Side of Music ™

© 2022 Lotta Dogs Productions LLC

  • Showrunner and Executive Producer Emeritus: Tom Sabella
  • Producer and Host (the guy who has a face for podcasting): Bob Bender
  • Co-Producer - Audio/Video Editor (the man behind the curtain): Mark Sabella
  • Director of Video and Continuity (the brains of the entire operation): Deborah Halle
  • Marketing and Social Media (all knowing): Sarah Fleshner for 362 Entertainment
  • All Around Problem Solver (and Mental Health Therapist for us): Connie Ribas
  • Recorded inside an old beat up Airstream Trailer located somewhere on what’s left of Music Row in Nashville TN (except during pandemics, then it's pretty much been accomplished VIA Zoom or over the phone, with the exception for those fearless enough to come to Bob Bender's dining room… and there have been a few that have survived).
  • Mixed and Mastered at Music Dog Studios in Nashville, TN
  • Editing and Post at Midnight Express Studio located in Olian, NY
  • Production Sound Design: Keith Stark
  • Voice Over and Promo: Lisa Fuson

Special Thanks to the creator and founder of the podcast, Tom Sabella, along with Traci Snow for producing and hosting over 100 episodes of the original "Business Side of Music" podcast and trusting us to carry on their legacy.


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If you’re interested in becoming a sponsor for the show, let us know and we’ll send you a media / sponsorship kit to you. Contact us at musicpodcast@mail.com

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