Kameron Hurely is a singular voice in the speculative fiction. Not only is she the author of the Bel Dame Apocrypha (comprised of "God's War", "Infidel", and "Rapture") and the upcoming "Mirror Empire" (hitting shelves August 26), she is also a prodigious blogger, infusing the world with her startling and articulate insights.
Kameron Hurely is a singular voice in the speculative fiction continuum. Not only is she the author of the Bel Dame Apocrypha (comprised of "God's War", "Infidel", and "Rapture") and the upcoming "Mirror Empire" (hitting shelves August 26), she is also a prodigious blogger, infusing the world with her startling and articulate insights. Brion and I were delighted to have this decorated veteran from the spec fic trenches take the Big Chair at the Table and we spend 20(ish) minutes discussing Wonder Woman on a kangaroo, the responsibility of writers to "own" their words, the idea of making authentic fantasy, and so much more. You'll laugh, you'll cry, and you'll walk away with an armload of writerly goodness